Sunday, 4 May 2014


by :

INFOTOPCER.COM -FOREDI Gel. Adult male antiseptic products that serve to prolong the duration of the marital relationship or durable (still efficacious 5-8 hours, awesome!), Mean 5-8 hours here is suppose first 30 minutes finished relates, and such as 4 hours and then resumed again it is not need in topical again! are in demand! hunted many men! do not be surprised if every day we send hundreds of packets throughout Indonesia!
  Price PROMO: Rp.225.000, - / BOX


Product officially registered in the National Agency of Drug and Food Control (BPOM).

No Register: POM TR 052 642 331

So you are not wrong to buy a product, consider the translation of "free" from: Premature Ejaculation and Erectile Dysfunction, use language that is easily understood by the layman.


    Release of sperm faster than desired, patients with premature ejaculation can have erection problems, may not,

    IF not have erection problems, just use FOREDI alone.

    IF erection is also problematic (easy exit + lackluster vital organs) use FOREDI + GASA

    Erectile Dysfunction (ED):

    Can not erect hard (vital organs limp / sluggish) and often do not occur or could ejaculate ejaculation but weak erection, for erection problems, but the solution is not FOREDI GASA product, which is also renowned expert recommendations: Boyke Dian Nugraha.

FOREDI is a traditional herbal ingredients Menes Banten specifically for adult men (for external use is not to be drunk). Contains natural ingredients consisting of spices choices and do not contain chemicals.

Spices are processed in such a way through the good pharmaceutical technology, proven and reliable so that it becomes an herb that gives a local antiseptic properties that can provide safety, comfort and enjoyment of a healthy intimate relationships that couples become harmonious and confident. FOREDI thus can improve the quality of intimate relationships / more durable, so it can make the couple achieve multiple orgasms.

FOREDI useful if used prior to intercourse, due to FOREDI can maintain the cleanliness of the vital organs of adult men, so women as the opposite sex can feel safe, because the cervix is ​​very fragile and easily contaminated by foreign substances and micro-organisms.

The contamination of the above can cause problems in the female spouse is:

    Whitish Pathological that are continuous with the characteristics of a liquid to a lot, itchy, smelly yellow and brown.
    Physiological whitish due to fungal infection Chlamidhia.
    Genital tract infections which can damage the fallopian.

FOREDI can reduce the three factors mentioned above to maintain the cleanliness of the male sex organs prior to intercourse.

Besides useful as an antiseptic man FOREDI also useful to solve the problem for patients with premature ejaculation because it may extend the time FOREDI male orgasm.
FOREDI superiority over similar products in the market:

    100% LEGAL:
    medicinal herbal topical anti premature ejaculation is officially registered in BPOM (National Agency of Drug and Food).
    100% SAFE:
    Used as a topical herbal outside, so do not give negative side effects on cardiac function, kidney and brain as drugs taken.
    Does not contain lidocaine
    Does not contain numbing chemicals like most products on the market illegally external use)
    The only products made in Indonesia OFFICIAL & ORIGINAL UNIQUE
    And even the only herbal topical in the world.
    Prolong the time of intercourse
    WITHOUT causing numbness in total (still sensitive).
    There are no adverse side effects.
    Protecting contamination at the time of intercourse.
    At the same time as ANTI SEPTIC protect his vital organs of the fungus Chlamidhia, whitish couples etc.
    The only recommendation EXPERT famous couples: Boyke Dian Nugraha
    (Not a recommendation handyman drug sales / sales / member / distributor)

This herbal medicine is NOT for Erectile Dysfunction,

SPECIAL but for Anti Septic + Overcome Premature Ejaculation (to prevent rapid exit).
How to Use and How to Work FOREDI Gel.

How to use FOREDI:

    Remember: The key to the effectiveness of FOREDI is "give time" so pervasive perfect concoction, so our advice: apply FOREDI at least 2 hours before intercourse.
    For some men the time it takes to sink faster.
    Apply a thin 1/2 of 1 sachet in the male sex organs: the head (do not hit the hole) and the bottom of his vital organs
    Allow 1 hour to react and warm herbs.
    Then wash with water and soap to clean.
    Once washed allow 1 hour longer to warm feeling to subside and then be ready to have intercourse (warm sense signifies herb works perfectly)

    For intimate relationship:
    Foredi are optimal when used as directed above, for patients with severe premature ejaculation can be 1 sachet antecedent apply, for premature ejaculation half sachet just plain enough, you will know the appropriate dose of her own (different for each man) once familiar with.

    For treatment:
    Foredi very good use 1-2 drops per day for ANTI SEPTIC (to avoid fungus, harmful bacteria due to sweat, no clean underwear, intimate relationships are contaminated with disease, etc.) also improving blood flow in the penis.

How it works FOREDI:

Once applied evenly drug will be absorbed and enlarge the blood vessels so that blood vessel cavity (corpora cavernosa tissue) which will help suppress the urethra enlarges and reduces the sensitivity of the penis but not be totally numb (depending on many little olesnya).

Therefore, in order to obtain optimal results apply FOREDI thicker at the bottom of the shaft of the penis and rub on the upper trunk and the head of the penis to taste (not to hit the hole).

Warmth generated a sign herb works well (different for each man) and will give you maximum results in order to open up the blood vessels that permeate optimally herbs.

Once applied and washed (then wait 1-2 hours), the drug benefit will last 5- 8 hours.

When having sex would be better if allowed to advance 1-2 hours until warm feeling has been abated.


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