Friday, 9 May 2014

FEATURES FEATURES MOST masturbation and dangers

7 Signs You Already mostly Masturbation

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INFOTOPCER.COM -sign mostly masturbation

Signs you too much masturbation.

Masturbation is a non-penetrating sexual activity is often carried out by men and women. Masturbation or masturbation by most physicians in the category of safe sex as long as it is done properly, does not cause health problems and not too often or addiction.

tanda kebanyakan onani

Unfortunately there is no limit on how many people masturbation that entered the category of opium. In this article we will discuss some of the signs if you are already mostly masturbation.

As with any other type of addiction, addiction to masturbation would have a negative impact, both for health and psychological. Signs you've mostly masturbation will be seen from the characteristics perceived by your own. Suppose you prefer masturbation than normal sex, always provoked repeat again if the opportunity arises, and others.

Signs You Already Most Masturbation

If you get one or more of these characteristics, immediately check yourself and try to reduce it as much as possible. Here are 7 signs you've mostly masturbation, let us discuss them one by one.

1. Making masturbation as an emotional outlet

Sex drive is sometimes increased when emotions are unstable. One common distribution is to do with masturbation. If you always make masturbation as an outlet for your emotions then it is likely that you have an addiction.

2. Arising pain in the genital area

Masturbation activity involving intense stimulation in the genital area continuously. Too much masturbation would cause damage to the tissue that continuously stimulated. The result is raised blisters on the skin of the penis or the most severe blood vessels become damaged. If this is what you are feeling right now then surely you too much masturbation.

3. Incurred shame

According to many doctors, the most common effects of masturbation is a psychological condition disturbed offenders. The impact is the reduced level of confidence and embarrassment when in a social environment. Psychological impacts such as this is generally only felt by people who masturbate too often.

4. Obsessed

As people who are obsessed with food, the people who are obsessed masturbation could not shake the thought of doing masturbation from his mind. Every chance or time to spare, or if you see something exciting, then his mind is always looking for ways to masturbate.

5. Regrets

Everyone who actively masturbation have feelings of guilt and always intend to stop masturbation after doing it. Unfortunately intention to stop it arises only for a moment, when sexed up again or if there is a trigger then he would masturbate again.

6. Annoying relationship

For married couples, masturbation can be is one of the variations of sex that can be done together. But if one partner is enjoying themselves rather than mutual masturbation and have the possibility of disturbing relationship with his partner, then it is a sign of masturbation does not normally again alias too much.

7. Loneliness

If you feel empty, do not have a friend to share, lazy activity and prefer to masturbate then that means you are already addicted. This happens because the effects of the hormone dopamine that you spend the time to reach orgasm.

Dangers of Masturbation

Although many physicians who call too much masturbation is not harmful and will not make sperm depleted, this activity is not without risk altogether.

Many studies have shown a decrease in the quality of life in people who have too much masturbation or addiction. Although the most common effects seen only limited to psychological factors but these psychological problems eventually will certainly affect the physical health as well.

Excessive masturbation mentioned can cause premature ejaculation, although still debated, but some recent studies have proven this. Some sex therapists also revealed masturbation can cause erection problems someday.

To be sure, the danger of excessive masturbation will see a psychic and felt by the perpetrators themselves. The impact that appears generally is the emergence of negative thoughts and rarely mingle socially with others.

So if you are experiencing one of the seven signs of too much masturbation as written above, it is a good idea to learn to stop it. Although not easy, there are many ways you can do to stop masturbation, one of them with maintaining the commitment and always close to religion

Distinctive Men Still male

The size of a woman's virginity seems easier to recognize than men. If women bleed during intercourse then certainly he is still a virgin. However, what about the man who had not a virgin anymore?

However, it must be very difficult to find a man a virgin or not. These are the characteristics of a man who is still a virgin:

1. A bachelor is a man who has never made love with a woman, for it is usually men who are still a virgin has a latent passion that resulted when I wake up in the morning they would stand a vital tool.

2. The lower eyelid is a brightly colored virgin, this is because they do not expend great energy to perform activities of ejaculation, otherwise male who is not a virgin has a concave-shaped eyelids and blackish in color due to the energy in the body out with ejaculation that occurs.

3. A person who is a virgin frequent wet dreams, and the man who is not a virgin never had a dream like that again.

4. Color genitals and nipples virgin males are usually reddish, if it is not a virgin will be brownish or even black.

5. Form a virgin belly flat, if someone frequently engage in intercourse will change the shape of their stomach becomes distended (except the fat).

6. Butt a virgin looks heavy and contains, those who had been the act of intercourse will make tepos ass or at least does not contain such while still a virgin. * Tc

Characteristic feature is not a virgin guy


physical characteristics guy is not a virgin, virgin guy traits, physical characteristics guy who is still a virgin

Characteristic feature of Men Still male Or Not, That Cew Sign Here []

Actually not just a girl who can dibedain virginity talaga .. emang not many people know how ngbedain virginity cowk gmn ...

Well cowk if still a virgin, certainly mr. p-skin red and still kenceng sex ..

virgin cow if already not sure mr. p-black and leather keriput2 sex .. more he often ngelakuin, definitely add color black and wrinkled skin added ..

Characteristic feature of Men Still male Or Not, That Cew Sign Here []

There are also tables of contention if not a virgin guy could be identified through physical signs. For example can be seen from:

1. Stomach at the waist began slack

2. In the knee, if hit hard sound once

3. urine virgin straight guy

Regardless of Ko or any of these assumptions follows the opinion of one expert sexologists truth about these physical characteristics.

Dr Andik Wijaya, M.Rep.Med said, "male or'm not a virgin or not someone can be seen from its physical characteristics"

So, if you want to know the person is still virgin or already baseball ama ya asked directly just one. All the physical characteristics listed in ebberapa article on the internet, is a myth. Medically unjustified, because NOTHING TO DO

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Ciri-ciri Pria yang Masih Perjaka

Ukuran keperawanan seorang wanita agaknya lebih mudah diketahui ketimbang pria. Jika wanita mengeluarkan darah saat berhubungan maka dipastikan dia masih perawan. Namun, bagaimana dengan pria yang sudah tak perjaka lagi?

Namun, tentunya sangat tidak sulit untuk mengetahui seorang pria perjaka atau tidak. Inilah ciri-ciri pria yang masih perjaka:

1. Seorang perjaka adalah seorang pria yang belum pernah melakukan hubungan badan dengan seorang wanita, untuk itu biasanya laki laki yang masih perjaka memiliki gairah yang terpendam yang mengakibatkan ketika bangun tidur di pagi hari alat vital mereka akan berdiri.

2. Kelopak mata bagian bawah seorang perjaka berwarna cerah, ini dikarenakan mereka tidak mengeluarkan energi besar untuk melakukan aktivitas ejakulasi, sebaliknya laki laki yang sudah tidak perjaka memiliki kelopak mata berbentuk cekung dan berwarna kehitaman akibat energi dalam tubuh keluar bersama ejakulasi yang terjadi.

3. Seseorang yang masih perjaka sering mimpi basah, dan laki laki yang sudah tidak perjaka tidak akan pernah mengalami mimpi seperti itu lagi.

4. Warna alat vital dan puting susu laki laki masih perjaka biasanya berwarna kemerahan, jika sudah tidak perjaka akan berwarna kecoklatan atau bahkan berwarna hitam.

5. Bentuk perut seorang perjaka datar, jika seseorang sering melakukan hubungan badan bentuk perut mereka akan berubah menjadi buncit (kecuali orang gendut).

6. Pantat seorang perjaka kelihatan berat dan berisi, mereka yang sudah pernah melakukan hubungan badan akan membuat pantat tepos atau setidaknya tidak berisi seperti saat masih perjaka. *tc

Ciri ciri cowok tidak perjaka


ciri fisik cowok tidak perjaka, ciri cowok masih perjaka, ciri fisik cowok yang masih perjaka

Ciri Ciri Pria Masih Perjaka Atau Tidak, Yang Cew Masuk Disini [ ]

Sebenernya gak cuma cewek doank yang bisa dibedain keperawanannya.. emang gak banyak orang tau gmn cara ngbedain keperjakaan cowk...

Nah cowk kalo masih perjaka, pasti mr. p-nya merah dan masih kenceng kulit kelaminnya..
kalo cow udah gak perjaka pasti mr. p-nya hitam dan keriput2 kulit kelaminnya.. semakin dia sering ngelakuin, pasti warnanya tambah hitam dan kulitnya tambah keriput..

Ciri Ciri Pria Masih Perjaka Atau Tidak, Yang Cew Masuk Disini [ ]

Ada juga loh anggapan kalo cowok gak perjaka bisa dikenali lewat tanda-tanda fisiknya. Misalnya bisa dilihat dari :

1. Perut pada bagian pinggang mulai kendor

2. Pada bagian lutut, kalo dipukul bunyinya keras sekali

3. Cowok perjaka kencingnya lurus

Lepas dari bener atau salah asumsi ini berikut pendapat salah satu pakar seksolog mengenai kebenaran ciri-ciri fisik ini.

Dr. Andik Wijaya, M.Rep.Med mengatakan, "Perjaka atau perawan tidaknya seseorang tuh nggak bisa dilihat dari ciri-ciri fisiknya"
Jadi kalo pengen tau orang tersebut masih virgin atau udah enggak ya tanya aja langsung ama orangnya. Semua ciri-ciri fisik yang tertulis di ebberapa artikel yang ada di internet, hanyalah mitos. Secara medis tidak bisa dibenarkan, karena TIDAK ADA HUBUNGANNYA!
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