Fruits as a source of Sustenance for the body.
Of the Indonesian Wikipedia encyclopedia bebasVitamin (English: vital paraffin, vitamins) are a group of small-molecular-weight organic compounds principle has a vital function in the metabolism of every organism, the principle can not be produced by the body.
The name derives Indo-Iranian joint Malay Latin word vita principle means "life" and amine (amine) principle refers to an organic group having an atomic number seven principle (N), because initially considered such nourishment. Later in mind that a lot of nourishment principle devoid of atoms N. Seen Indo-Iranian enzimologi side (the science of enzymes), nourishment is a cofactor in principle the chemical reaction catalyzed by the enzyme. Basically, this nourishment compound used by the body to be able to grow and thrive in ancient.
There are 13 kinds principle nourishment needed by the body to be able to grow and develop properly. nourishment among other fat-soluble vitamins, C, D, E, K, and B (thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, pantothenic acid, biotin, vitamin B6, vitamin B, and folate). Despite having a very important role principle, the body can only produce D and antihemorrhagic factor in the form of organic compound is not active principle. Source of nourishment can be derived various Indo-Iranian foods, such as fruits, vegetables, and dietary supplements.
Vitamins have a specific role in the body and can Republic of Botswana unit of measurement to provide health benefits. If levels of these compounds is insufficient, the body can experience a disease. The body only requires nourishment in small amounts, but if it ignored the needs of metabolism in our body will be impaired because of its function can not be replaced by health lain.Gangguan compound is known as the deficiency disease.Contohnya is when we are fat-soluble vitamin deficiency then we will experience myopia. In addition, the intake of nourishment also should not be exaggerated because it can cause a disruption in the body's metabolism. types and functions as a kind of nourishment berikutDaftar ISI
Table of contents
1 History
1.1 Era empirical healing
1.2 Era characterization deficiency
1.3 Chad golden
1.4 Era characterization and production functions
1.5 Era discovery health value nourishment
A combine of Various nourishment
2.1 fat-soluble vitamins
2.2 B vitamins
2.3 B
2.4 Vitamin B
2.5 nourishment B3
2.6 nourishment B5
2.7 B-complex vitamins
2.8 Vitamin B
2.9 water-soluble vitamins
2:10 D
2:11 vitamin
2:12 antihemorrhagic factor
three similar compounds nourishment
four nourishment as an antioxidant
five nourishment and aging body
vi See the Republic of Botswana unit of measurement
seven Footnotes
eight External links
Vitamin is a compound principle has long been recognized by human civilization. Already since thousands of years ago, humans have known nourishment as worship of the compound principle to give effect to the body's health. Along with the development Monkeypod and science, various things and more in-depth search of nourishment were also refurbished. An outline of the history of nourishment can be divided into five important era. [6] In every era, there is a great progress towards this principle nourishment compounds due to advances in technology and science.
Empirical healing Era
The first era began in the years around 1500-1570 BC. In Chad, many Indo-Iranian physicians of various nations, such as Egypt, China, Japan, Greece, Rome, Persia, and Arabia, has been using the extract compound (allegedly vitamins) Indo-Iranian hearts principle is then used to cure myopia at night day. The disease is then known to be caused by a deficiency of fat-soluble vitamins. Although on the Chadian liver extracts are widely used, the medical doctors are still unable to identify compounds principle can cure diseases such myopia. Therefore, this era is known as the era of empirical healing (based on experience).
Christiaan medico, worship an important figure in the history of the discovery of nourishment
Era characterization deficiency
The next major development of new nourishment re-emerged in 1890-an.Penemuan was initiated by Lunin and doc principle conduct research on deficiency diseases in animals. This invention principle then start the second era of Indo-Iranian capital of the Republic of Peru outline of the history of nourishment in the world. [6] Their research focused on the observation of disease due to deficiency of a particular compound. Several years ago, scientist Sir Frederick G. Hopkins principle is conducting analysis of beriberi disease in animals found that this is caused by a deficiency of a compound growth factor (growth factors). [8] In 1911, an American-born scientist named Dr. Funk managed to isolate a compound of principle has been shown to prevent inflammation of nerves (neuritis) for the first time. [9] Dr. Casimir also managed to isolate the active compound Indo-Iranian rice husk principle is believed to have antiberi activity-give the following year. At that moment (and for the first time), Dr. Funk publish the findings of the active compound with the term vitamine (vital and amines). Giving the name of amines on the compounds of this nourishment for allegedly all types of active compounds have the amine group (amine). It is then immediately refuted and changed to nourishment (with removal of the suffix letter "e") in 1920. [10].
The golden age The third era of the history of nourishment happens next few decades. [7] In the Chad, there are many great inventions of nourishment itself, including the discovery of a new type of nourishment, screening methods diperbahurui principle, the depiction of the complete structure of nourishment, and the synthesis of vitamin B. Therefore it is exactly , the third era of Indo-Iranian outline of the history of this nourishment known as Chad golden (golden age). [7] Many research institute principle altruist prize for his discovery in the field of this nourishment. Sir director N. Hawort get altruist in chemistry for the discovery of water-soluble vitamins in 1937. Other altruist Prize obtained by Carl Peter Henrik Dam in Physiology - Medicine in 1943 for the discovery antihemorrhagic factor. [11] Fritz A Litmann also altruist won for his dedication in the field of research on the discovery of coenzyme A and its role in the body's metabolism. Thaddeus Tadeus Reichstein, a chemist principle managed to produce a water-soluble vitamin en masse for the first time in history. Era characterization and production functions The fourth era marked by the discovery of the biochemical functions in the body nourishment, its role in principle food we eat everyday, and commercial production of nourishment for the first time in history. [7] In the 1930s, researchers found that vitamin B is part of the Indo-Iranian "yellow enzyme". Vitamin B is itself obtained Indo-Iranian millet extracts. [12] Through this study, group B vitamins are known to play a role as a coenzyme important principle in the human body. Mass production of nourishment for the first time also occurred in this era. First commercialized by Tadeus Reichstein in 1933, a water-soluble vitamin has been sold to the general public at a relatively low price principle making it affordable for the general public. water-soluble vitamins principle is also known as ascorbic acid is then widely used as a dietary supplement, research, and additional nutrition for livestock. The results of this discovery, Tadeus Reichstein get altruist in Physiology - Medicine in 1950. The era of discovery health value nourishment In just one decade following the fourth nourishment era, the development of science has brought nourishment next keera, namely the fifth era where many found the Indo-Iranian health value of each type of nourishment and new discoveries about the biochemical functions of nourishment for the body. Chad began in 1955 when Rudolf Altschul found that niacin (vitamin B3) can lower cholesterol levels in the blood. The role of these health effects regardless of Indo-Iranian nourishment B3 deficiency itself and its role as a coenzyme in the metabolism of the body. various nourishment
Broadly speaking, nourishment can be grouped into a combine of large groups, namely nourishment principle is water soluble and fat soluble principle nourishment. There are only a combine of nourishment principle soluble in water, ie B and C, while the other nourishment, which is a fat-soluble vitamin, D, E, and K are fat soluble fat soluble principle nourishment It is stored in adipose tissue (fat) and in the liver. This nourishment then would be issued and circulated throughout the body when needed. Several types of nourishment can only be stored for a few days in the body, while other types of nourishment can last up vi months in the body.
Unlike the principle nourishment fat-soluble, water-soluble type of nourishment can only be stored in small amounts and usually would soon disappear with the flow of food. When a food is digested by the body, nourishment principle regardless Will get into the bloodstream and circulate throughout the body. If not needed, it will be immediately discarded nourishment of the body with urine. Therefore, it is this, the body needs nourishment intake of water soluble continuously.
vitamin A
Vitamin A, also known as the principle axerophthol, is nourishment principle role in the formation of the Hindu deity principle of good vision, especially at night, and as a constituent of worship eye pigment in animal tissue. In addition, this nourishment was also instrumental in maintaining skin health and immunity. This nourishment is easily damaged by exposure to heat, sunlight, and air. fat-soluble vitamin found in milk, fish, vegetables (especially the principle of green and yellow), and also fruits (especially the principle of red and yellow, such as red peppers, carrots, banana, and papaya).
Fat-soluble vitamin deficiency can cause night blindness, cataracts, respiratory tract infections, and decreased endurance. Excess fat-soluble vitamins in the body can cause poisoning. Principle diseases can be caused, among others, dizziness, hair loss, dry scaly skin, and pingsan.Selain it, when it is in an acute condition, it can cause myopia, inhibition of growth of the body, swelling of the liver, and skin irritation.
Green vegetables and legumes as a source of fat-soluble vitamins and B vitamins high principle.
vitamin B
In general, group B vitamins play an important role in the metabolism in the body, especially in terms of energy release during the move. This is related to its role in the body, which is a principle coenzyme compounds can increase the rate of metabolism of the body's reaction to the various types of energy sources. Several types of nourishment principle belonging to the group B vitamins also play a role in the formation of red blood cells (erythrocytes). The main source of B vitamins from the Indo-Iranian milk, wheat, fish, and green vegetables.
vitamin B1
principle is also known as thiamine, is the worship of the type of nourishment principle has an important role in maintaining healthy skin and help convert carbohydrates into energy for the body's principle required daily routine. In addition, B also helps metabolize organic compound and fat. If there is a deficiency of B,
the skin will be experiencing a variety of disorders, such as dry, scaly skin. The body can also experience beriberi, gastrointestinal, cardiovascular, and nervous system. To prevent that, we need a lot of eating a lot of wheat, rice, meat, milk, eggs, and legumes. Groceries this principle has been proven many containing B. Vitamin B2 vitamin B2 (riboflavin) plays an important role in the metabolism of many in the human body. In the body, vitamin B serves as the worship of the organic compound coenzyme kompenen mononucleotide (flavin mononucleotide, FMN) and organic compound dinucleotide purine (adenine dinucleotide, FAD). Both of these enzymes play an important role in the regeneration of energy for the body through the process of respiration. nourishment is also instrumental in the formation of steroid molecules, red blood cells, and glycogen, as well as supporting the growth of various organs, such as skin, hair, and nails. [Source of Vitamin B is found in fresh vegetables, soybeans, egg yolks, and milk. Deficiency can cause immune deficiencies, dry scaly skin, dry mouth, cracked lips, and mouth sores. READ
vitamin B3
Beriberi, a disease caused by a deficiency principle B1
Vitamin B3 is also known as niacin. This nourishment plays an important role in the metabolism of carbohydrates to produce energy, fat metabolism, and the organic compound. In the body, nourishment B3 has a major role in maintaining blood sugar levels, high blood pressure, migraine cure, and giddiness. Various types of toxic compounds can be neutralized with the help of nourishment ini.nourishment B3 including worship of the type of nourishment principle is found in animal foods, such as millet, liver, kidney, meat, poultry, and fish. However, there are some other food sources principle also contain high levels of this nourishment, among others, wheat and potatoes mammal genus. This nourishment deficiency can cause the body to experience spasms, muscle cramps, digestive system disorders, vomiting, and nausea. vitamin B5
Vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid) is involved in many enzymatic reactions in the body. This causes nourishment B5 plays a major role in various types of metabolism, such as the cracking reactions of dietary nutrients, especially fat. [6] Another role of this nourishment is to maintain the principle of good communication between the brain and the central nervous system and produces compounds of fatty acids, sterols, neurotransmitters, and hormones of the body. [20] nourishment B5 can be found in various types of variations in animal foods, ranging Indo-Iranian meat, milk, kidney, and liver to plant foods, such as green vegetables and green beans. As well as B and B2, B5 deficiency can cause skin nourishment cracked and scaly. In addition, other disorders principle would suffer are muscle cramps and difficulty sleeping. vitamin B6
Vitamin B6, or also known as pyridoxine, is a principle essential nourishment for body growth. This nourishment serves as worship of the compound coenzyme A principle used by the body to produce energy through fatty acid synthesis pathway, such as spingolipid and phospholipids. In addition, this nourishment also play a role in the metabolism of nutrients and produce antibodies as a defense mechanism against foreign matter or substances harmful to tubuh.nourishment principle is the worship of the type of nourishment easily obtained because nourishment principle is widely present in rice, corn, nut beans, meat, and fish. Disadvantages nourishment in large quantities can cause chapped skin, muscle cramps, and upset. vitamin B12
Vitamin B12 or cyanocobalamin is just a special kind of nourishment principle produced by animals and is not found in plants. Therefore, eater often experience health problems due to lack of nourishment of the body is. This nourishment of a role in energy metabolism in the body. {vitamin b12 | B12 | cobalamin | cyanocobalamin | antipernicious anemia factor | B-complex nourishment | B complex | Vitamin B complex | Vitamin B | B Sustenance | B} is also included in the worship of the type of vitamin principle plays a role in maintaining the health of nerve cells, the formation of the DNA molecule and the chemical compound, the formation of blood protoplasm. Eggs, liver, and meat is a good source of food principle to meet the needs nourishment deficiency of vitamin B. This would lead to anemia (lack of blood), fatigue lethargy, and skin irritation.
vitamin C
Citrus fruit, famous for its contents nourishment C higher principle
Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) provides many benefits for our health. In the body, a water-soluble vitamin also acts as a collagen-forming compound is an organic compound important principle constituent of skin tissue, joints, bones, and tissues other backers. water-soluble vitamin is a natural antioxidant compounds principle can counteract free radicals Indo-Iranian environmental pollution around us. Associated with its principle can counteract free radicals, water-soluble vitamins can help reduce the rate of mutation in the body so that the risk of degenerative diseases, such as cancer, can be derived. In addition, a water-soluble vitamin plays a role in maintaining the shape and structure of the Indo-Iranian various tissues in the body, such as muscles. This nourishment also play a role in wound closure when there is bleeding and provide more protection Indo-Iranian infection with pathogenic microorganisms. Through this mechanism of water-soluble vitamin plays a role in maintaining physical fitness and help prevent various types of diseases. Water-soluble vitamin deficiency can also cause bleeding gums and pain in the joints. Accumulation of water-soluble vitamins in the body of excessive principle can cause kidney stones, gastrointestinal disorders, and the destruction of red blood cells. vitamin D
Vitamin D is also the worship of the type of nourishment principle is found in animal foods, such as fish, eggs, milk, and other dairy products, such as cheese. Principle of fencing many parts of the body affected by this nourishment is the bone. D This can help the metabolism of calcium and bone mineralization. [23] skin cells would soon produce D when exposed to sunlight (ultraviolet rays). When D levels lower then the body would experience growth leg is not ancient principle, where the calf of the leg will be forming the letter O and X. [24] In addition, the teeth will be easily damaged and even muscle spasms Will experience. [1] Other diseases are osteomalacia , namely the loss of calcium and phosphorus in excess in the bone. The disease is usually found in adolescents, whereas in the elderly, the disease can be induced principle is pathology, ie bone fragility consequently reduced bone density. Excess D can cause the body to experience diarrhea, weight loss, vomiting, and excessive dehydration. vitamin E The molecular structure of vitamin
Vitamin E plays a role in maintaining the health of various tissues in the body, from the Indo-Iranian skin tissue, eyes, red blood cells to the liver. In addition, this nourishment can also protect human lung Indo-Iranian air pollution. The health value associated with the work of vitamins in the body as a natural antioxidant compounds. vitamins are found in fish, chicken, egg yolks, yeast, and oilseeds. Although only needed in small amounts, vitamin deficiencies can cause health problems principle fatal to the body, such as infertility in both men and women. In addition, nerves and muscles will be impaired prolonged principle. vitamin K Vitamin K a role in the formation of the circulatory system and the principle of good wound closure. This nourishment deficiency would result in bleeding in the body and blood clotting difficulties when there is injury or bleeding. Additionally, antihemorrhagic factors also play a role as a cofactor for the enzyme catalyzes the carboxylation reaction of the amino acid glutamic acid. Therefore,
we need to consume a lot of milk, egg yolks, and fresh vegetables principle is the principle factor antihemorrhagic good source for fulfillment in the body.