pursuing a dream
by : infotopcer.com
INFOTOPCER.COM-I actually confused about what makes a title, the idea has been about dreams or ideals but if you make the title is sometimes difficult too, pengennya make titles that can attract the attention of people so, he he, yes please aja, CHASING A DREAM OR CHASING A DREAM? good one in my opinion (not narcissistic ye)
INFOTOPCER.COM-I actually confused about what makes a title, the idea has been about dreams or ideals but if you make the title is sometimes difficult too, pengennya make titles that can attract the attention of people so, he he, yes please aja, CHASING A DREAM OR CHASING A DREAM? good one in my opinion (not narcissistic ye)
Every person has a dream certainly including me and you too of course. The dream of every single person is different. There is a dream that has become a businessman, a doctor, so officials with busy to be a candidate, so the artist, a famous singer or master also blogging, earn income from the internet so abundant variety of products and a variety of ways used to be the media make money on the internet , look once you enter the world of the Internet, all of which look glamorous, whether true or just a hoax is where our role to be more prudent in the vote or even some fad looking for coins on the internet too much, like me he he, so not okay from the large dapet not, okay for the added-added internet connection.
But having said that, if indeed it is our dream that true True? You can ask yourself, I've heard a song titled Nugie Lantern Soul, I write cuplikanya baitnya here if there were not already know, that is already out in just skip reading, he he.
Kumencari long already, what was to be kulakukanSegala tiitk I explored, none of my mengertiTersesatkah I live in oceans
Well maybe some of us have felt like it, do not know what to do, if you ask me more details still do not have a dream, so confused should be doing. But at the end of the song was new I understand that the intention is to look for the dream in truth he wants.
Actual dreams we dream a dream that is a good fit of conscience, because if we pursue the dream that is consistent with our conscience is usually not just merely the pursuit of money, fame and sebagianya positions, but rather to search dreams according to the identity and therein lies enjoyment and happiness.
An example was when I had a high school art teacher, recently taught a sudden he resigned from teaching activities and decided to be a painter, went to a small village and begin his life as a painter and his paintings at that time was not yet known and sometimes to support itself he he sells his home petty simple. Logically doing dah why people have enough salary and status may talk among us okay PNS so loh ... slashing out of the teaching job to become a painter only uncertain income, mah paint can sideline, it seems to me at that time and now I New understand that he may pursue his dream that in accordance with his conscience.
Talk about a dream, maybe it would be good if the dream that we really want is a dream according to conscience continue his dream is to become millionaires, everyone would have a dream like that even recently neuroscience studies in the field of cognitive psychology, shows that being a millionaire is the desire of every human being, including me he he ...
But did you know that there is a difference between the pursuit of dreams and pursue a dream.
People who pursue the dream is a person who does have a real dream, clear and can be measured, not dreamers who expect down money from the sky or expect to win the lottery 1 billion. Dreamer or fancier thousands in number, while those who have a dream can still be counted. Among them there is a difference like the earth and the sky, John C. Maxwell says "Dreamer much talk and little work, they may save a crazy idea, but never seen it happen. Dreamer does not have the discipline. Conversely those who have a dream of few words but do a lot of things. You may not hear all of her dreams, but if observed, you will see it happen. "Stop Dreaming Start Action is the answer.
Now obviously probably the difference between the dreamer who only pursue a dream without knowing what he had to do to achieve his dream with someone who has a dream and know what to do to achieve their dreams. Big dreams with the correct way of working is not something that is impossible for embodied, many examples in the world that managed to realize the dream of magnitude. Wrigt brothers, Martin Luther King Jr., Colonel Sanders, Walt Disney and many more are all from people who have a dream and achieve.
But if you already have a great and noble dream and in accordance with your own conscience, you have to remain vigilant that many around us roaming (like ghost wrote ye he.he) people usually obscure and deliberately dropping our dreams, as if giving advice to oblique tone that aim to bury your dream. The words "impossible" or "useless" sometimes often terrorize us so that we do not have the courage to make it happen, will gradually make us afraid to continue the struggle we are pursuing the dream through to the end of our dream was becoming a dream that can only be stored and dihayalkan without the slightest action was predictable and our dreams become mere bad dream. And if you want to know, one way to prevent the dream into a dream is awake and immediately went to work to make it happen.
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