Uric acid is a kind of disease artitis painful. Caused by a buildup of uric acid crystals in the joints in the body, so consequently the levels of uric acid in the body is high and attacks the joints. If you experience pain, knees, ankles, fingers - fingers stiff, wrist pain and tanggan also immediately see a doctor for a check to the laboratory. Even if very high uric acid levels can cause swollen joints, inflamed, hot and stuffy.The majority, approximately 90% of gout caused by the inability of the kidneys in removing uric acid from the body through urine. This disease usually affects men 40 years or older and menopausal women. Patients with this disease usually have complications with high blood pressure, kidney disease, diabetes. People who are obese are also at risk of uric acid. Even worse if left unchecked could develop into kidney stones and could even lead to kidney failure.
The most effective way to control gout is with regular medication and diet to eliminate the trigger gout. Keep in mind, massage is not beneficial for patients with gout, because the pain caused in people with uric acid instead of muscle pain, but the presence of excess crystals in the joints. Massage may be beneficial for blood peredarah launch, but should not be performed in patients with gout, because if gout sufferers massage can actually aggravate inflammation in the joints.
The following types of food that should not be consumed by people with gout, among others:
Offal, alcohol and soft drinks, melinjo and chips, nuts - nuts and dairy, mushrooms, spinach, kale, mustard greens, goat meat, shellfish, duck, salmon, sardines, crab, shrimp. Also foods that contain fat foods bersantan eg, margarine, also fried - fried. Because fatty foods can menghambt expenditure uric acid through urine. The content of simple carbohydrates such as sugar fructose group, candy, cotton candy should dihidari because foods containing fructose can increase uric acid levels.
And here is the kind of food should be consumed by people with gout, among others:
Cheese, milk, eggs, foods containing carbohydrate sources (potato, cassava, wheat, macaroni, noodles, bread etc). All kinds of fruit - except durian and avocado.
Patients with gout is highly recommended to drink plenty of water at least 2 liters a day, because the white water intended mengelurkan excess uric acid through urine and prevent disease Ginja ...
Massage EIA On Foot
So many people feel the massage on the soles of the feet is the reflection massage and it was not there anymore. If you're one of those people among them, then let your feet to rest. You can read the article that could change your mind so that you know how important health on the soles of the feet.
The soles of the foot massage is a technique in which a qualified therapist uses pressure applied by the thumb and finger to point on the hands, feet or ears. This area is the reflex point for the body. Reflex points connecting to certain areas of the body, and when you massaged relief of pain, or imbalance associated with a particular area, which can be cured. When your system is not working properly, deposits of calcium, minerals, and uric acid can form in the reflex points which ultimately hinder proper blood circulation. A massage on the soles of the feet or reflexology can skillfully use massage techniques to break up these deposits and help restore normal function.
On another note, the study showed that 75% of diseases and disorders caused by stress. The first thing you can do to prevent stress-related illnesses is to rest and relax. This is where reflexology entry focuses on the reflex points can help your body relax normalize blood flow and calming the nerves, which allows the body to receive the benefits of massage on the soles of the feet is full.
Hands and feet have nerve endings countless of which are connected to different parts of your body. Once you find the right area and massaging the feet or hands, you can stimulate the affected area in your body. Although massage the soles of the feet, reflection can also be applied to the hands, the reflection most prefer to treat the soles on the feet because they are larger and more comfortable for the massage. This is why most people mistake the reflection just as a foot massage.
Reflections hand, is best for patients who do not like their feet touched or seen, and is ideal for people who might complain about the inconvenience of hand such as arthritis or carpal tunnel syndrome. Reflection is applied to the hands can be done anywhere without feeling uncomfortable and awkward unlike in foot reflexology. However, because your hand is sometimes overused, you can become less sensitive and can sometimes affect the effectiveness of this type of reflection.
In a time and age, more and more people turn to the alternative treatments such as reflexology and this may be due to promise no side effects. Reflexology may take several treatments before you feel the impact, but soon you will realize that it is useful and very effective. If you want to learn where to apply the pressure, and to the point reflex, reflection images and graphics are available. But if you want an in-depth training in reflection, attend a program or a course of reflexology is highly recommended.
You can try out the techniques that you learn to yourself, but the reflection is better when applied by other people because you can relax better assist the body's healing energy is stronger. Many of the ingredients are there to help you gain knowledge of the true reflection point and the right pressure, or attend to follow the course. The sun reflection is an institution of education courses that will teach how to massage the soles of the feet are right .....
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