Tuesday, 29 April 2014


by : infotopcer.com


INFOTOPCER.COM -In addition NeoCoin Neopoint and innovative enough, Neobux also introduced Adprize. As the name implies, Adprize is advertising gift or addition to the potential direct benefits. To get Adprize no limitation on whether a standard or golden status members, old or new members. Everything is based on two things: luck and diligent least one member.

How does Adprize? Each time a member clicks an ad, then they will get three chances Adprize. So if there are 10 ads are clicked, then there are 30 Adprize, and so on. Time to click on the ads of this prize is limited only for 30 minutes. If the member missed the allotted time, then ad this gift will be lost. This ad is not required to be clicked, but unfortunately missed especially if you look at the prize.

Every day admin Neobux spreading the gift Adprize contested by the members. So if my friend does not get these days, try to continue because anyone a chance. There are three types of gifts Adprize namely: Neopoint, upgrade keangggotaan and cash that will go directly to the main balance. The details are as follows:

    Memberships prizes. That golden membership for 12 lucky people. Equivalent value $ 1,080.

    Monetary prizes added to the game balance. Ie cash for 1209 lucky people. Equivalent value $ 1300 with details:

    - 600 x $ 0.25 = $ 150

    - 300 x $ 0.50 = $ 150

    - 150 x $ 1.00 = $ 150

    - 100 x $ 2.00 = $ 200

    - 30 x $ 5.00 = $ 150

    - 20 x $ 10.00 = $ 200

    - 6 x $ 25.00 = $ 150

    - 3 x $ 50.00 = $ 150

    Neopoint prizes. Ie 65,000 Neopoint for 2,216 lucky people. Equivalent value $ 195 with the details:

    - 2,000 x 10 = 20,000 Neopoint Neopoint

    - 200 x 100 = 20,000 Neopoint Neopoint

    - 15 x 1,000 = 15,000 Neopoint Neopoint

    - 1 x 10,000 = 10,000 Neopoint Neopoint

  Display Adprize result in account history.

With the existence of this Adprize admin Neobux also want to provide benefits for the advertiser (advertiser). Why is that? This is because the ads that have appeared to be raised again without charge. They differ only in the number of times their ads will appear.

Well, hopefully the earlier reviews pal understand more about Adprize. Adprize conclusion is a right step from Neobux that benefit the entire members. For my friend who has not joined Neobux and want to get a gift from Adprize,. Good luck.



Cara efektif mencari uang dari Neobux dan Clixsense

Kenapa Neobux dan Clixsense yang jadi rekomendasi saya? karena Neobux dan Clixsense adalah dua dari sekian banyak PTC yang paling bisa dipercaya, legit, dan punya sistem yang sempurna untuk sebuah program PTC. Tapi banyak hal yang harus kita pelajari agar pendapatan kita maksimal dari kedua program ini, yang mungkin bagi sebagian orang dianggap tidak perlu.

Mari kita bahas secara mendetail tentang kedua program PTC ini.

  • Neobux *data 12 Nov 2012 sudah membayar + $109,861.31 sejak tahun 2008
  • Clixsense "We've paid our 2,524,259 members" sejak tahun 2007 *per tgl.12 Nov 2012

Di Neobux dan Clixsense tentunya anda bisa menyewa referral. Jumlah sewa referral tergantung dari jenis keanggotaan anda. Anda juga bisa mendapatkan tambahan uang dari klik direct referral. Di Clixsense ada program pemberian komisi dari pembelian iklan referral, dan komisi upgrade referral anda sampai 8 level. Saya sarankan anda untuk meng-upgrade keanggotaan anda karena perbandingan komisi jauh lebih besar dari standard member (standard member hanya mendapat komisi dari direct referral saja). Setiap direct referral anda meng-upgrade keanggotaan, anda akan mendapat komisi lansung $2.00 (jika anda premium member), dan $1.00 untuk setiap referral di bawah direct referral anda hinggal 8 level.
 .ayo kawan kita bergabung disini beljar mersama mendaptkn penghsiln dg klik link bewarna biru dsamping ini https://ingon.org/kgeqbnze

Pasilitas yang ada di Neobux:

  • Browser toolbar otomatis apabila ada iklan baru
  • Per klik iklan up to $0.02 dan up to $0.01 per referral klik (tergantung dari jenis keanggotaan anda)
  • Pembayaran melalui Neteller, Alertpat, dan Paypal
  • Daily prizes up to $50.00
  • Tersedia sewa referral
  • Garansi iklan setiap hari +10 iklan

.ayo kawan kita bergabung disini beljar mersama mendaptkn penghsiln dg klik link bewarna biru dsamping ini https://ingon.org/kgeqbnze

Tunggu gan, ada selipan nih, ada e-book yang perlu nih, harganya murah banget, cuma US$4.00 aja, tapi memang penting sih, saya mau aja tulis disini, tapi lumayan panjang gan, jadi beli aja, jangan pelit2 kalo buat modal usaha ya...

Nama e-booknya 10 mistakes I made with Neobux. Agan akan mendapatkan akses ke 10 kesalahan yang biasa dibuat oleh para clicker dan langkah-langkah untuk menghindarinya. Jika anda telah melakukan kesalahan tersebut, ga usah kuatirr, anda akan dipandu untul memperbaikinya. Dijamin bahwa jika anda bisa  menghindari 10 kesalahan tersebut, anda tidak akan kehilangan uang yang ga perlu dari PTC ini.

Atau agan2 kasih aja email ke teman2, sodara2, teman sejawat, teman kuliah, nah untuk cara bikin email yang bermutu, beli juga aja nih e-book oke ini:

Pasilitas yang ada di Clixsense:

  • Browser toolbar otomatis apabila ada iklan baru
  • Per klik iklan up to $0.02 dan up to $0.008 per referral klik (tergantung dari jenis keanggotaan anda)
  • Komisi dari referral hingga 8 level
  • Pembayaran bisa melalui Check, Alertpay, dan Paypal
  • Daily prizes up to $5.00
  • Direct referral yang tidak terbatas
  • Garansi iklan setiap hari +10 iklan

Berikut urutan dan jenis klik iklan di Neobux:

Your clicks Standard Golden Emerald Platinum Ultimate
Sapphire Diamond
Extended Exposure $0.015 $0.020 $0.020 $0.020 $0.020
Standard Exposure $0.010 $0.010 $0.012 $0.015 $0.020
Mini Exposure $0.005 $0.005 $0.005 $0.005 $0.005
Micro Exposure $0.001 $0.001 $0.001 $0.001 $0.001
Fixed Advertisements $0.001 $0.010 $0.012 $0.015 $0.020
Fixed Advertisements $0.001 $0.001 $0.001 $0.001 $0.001

Commissions from Standard Golden Emerald Platinum Ultimate
Direct Referrals Sapphire Diamond
Extended Exposure $0.005 $0.010 $0.010 $0.010 $0.010
Standard Exposure $0.005 $0.010 $0.010 $0.010 $0.010
Fixed Advertisements $0.0005 $0.005 $0.010 $0.010 $0.010

Commissions from Standard Golden Emerald Platinum Ultimate
Rented Referrals Sapphire Diamond
Extended Exposure $0.010 $0.020 $0.020 $0.020 $0.020
Standard Exposure $0.005 $0.010 $0.010 $0.010 $0.010
Fixed Advertisements $0.005 $0.010 $0.010 $0.010 $0.010
.ayo kawan kita bergabung disini beljar mersama mendaptkn penghsiln dg klik link bewarna biru dsamping ini https://ingon.org/kgeqbnze

Note: Anda akan mendapatkan pembayaran dari setiap iklan yang anda klik, tapi anda hanya akan mendapat komisi dari klik referral anda seperti yang di tunjukkan pada bagan di atas. Setelah anda meng-klik iklan, sebaiknya anda langsung mengklik AdPrize. Hadiahnya bisa berupa upgrade keanggotaan, dan uang cash yang akan di masukkan secara otomatis ke Main Balance anda.

Klik iklan di Clixsense:

Di Clixsense anda akan mendapat klik iklan dengan jumlah yang lumayan banyak. Disini anda dituntut untuk rajin merefresh halaman clixsense anda. Tidak ada categories/jenis iklan pada clixsense. Per klik iklan antara $0.001-$0.02. Setelah anda mengklik iklan, sebaiknya anda langsung menuju ClixGrid. Anda akan di beri kesempatan mengklik gambar 25-100 kali klik dengan hadiah antara $0.1-$5.00. Jumlah kesempatan klik gambar tergantung dari jenis keanggotaan anda. Anda juga bisa mendapatkan uang lebih dengan melengkapi Tasks dan Survey.

Tips penting sebelum anda mengikuti program PTC baik Neobux, Clixsense, atau PTC lain: Jangan memulai dengan menyewa referral sebelum anda benar-benar mengetahui hal-hal mendasar seperti; waktu untuk mengklik iklan, kapan anda me-recycle referral, bagaimana menghitung keuntungan, berapa banyak referral yang bisa anda sewa dan berapa jumlah uang yang seharusnya ada setelah anda menyewa referral, pastikan anda berusaha mengetahui lebih dalam tentang PTC di forum PTC-nya ataupun di forum-forum lain yang bersangkutan.
.ayo kawan kita bergabung disini beljar mersama mendaptkn penghsiln dg klik link bewarna biru dsamping ini https://ingon.org/kgeqbnze

Di Neobux anda harus menunggu sampai 30 hari aktif untuk mendapatkan direct referral. Jika seseorang mendaftar dibawah anda tidak akan di hitung sebelum 30 hari keanggotaan anda. Sedangkan di Clixsense anda bisa mendapatkan direct referral langsung setelah anda selesai mendaftar.

Cara tercepat agar penghasilan dari kedua PTC ini sesuai harapan, tidak ada salahnya anda berinvestasi sedikit dengan membeli e-book panduan beriklan kedua program ini di program PPC (Pay per Click). Atau kalau anda ada waktu, cari saja panduan PPC yang gratis di google...


a referall d clixsince
by : infotopcer.com

INFOTOPCER.COM- Good morning my friend..di morning sunny morning the little berposting nich us about how menyewIni is a reality. We all know that most PTC sites you only pay a maximum of 0.01 dollars per click advertising. There are even smaller, namely only 0.001 dollars per click advertising. The number of ads each PTC sites varies, but we take the example just 0:01 of dollars multiplied by 10 ads per day. The total is 0.1 dollars per day, 3 dollars and 36 dollars per month per year. What is this enough for you?
Obviously not. We all want a lot of money, is not it? But how to change this sad state? In addition to membership upgrade (by paying of course), another way is to get a referral or referrals. The problem, get a direct referral is not as easy as turning the palm of the hand. The PTC site owners seem to be aware of this and therefore they provide rented referrals (rented referral).

Normally, a percentage of the value of referral clicks will get into your account. Obviously this will greatly help increase revenue rather than clicks alone. Keep in mind that you need to pay the rent for a certain time to pay for their services. With a good calculation, rented referrals can be in your favor. However, if not careful, the profits you want it to be escaped from the grip.
Here's some tips to hire and arrange referrals that will keep you from wasting money useless:

    Do not be tempted to invest directly. If the PTC site is legitimate then it does not matter if you invest. But beware if the site is still relatively new. Find as much info and make sure that the site was paid.

    Rent only from a trusted PTC sites. The bad news, most sites only sell PTC referral form of bots and not humans. Bot indeed will click, but one day the number of clicks will decrease drastically and even stopped altogether. Examples of sites that sell PTC is Neobux referral man, and you are recommended to try it.

    Rotate or recycle referrals are less productive. Highly recommended if you do not want to lose a lot of money. Select only those who are underperforming. If there is a diligent referral click but suddenly stopped, do not rush to rotate. Observe the next few days because it could be he was on vacation, etc. impaired internet connection. Two things you need to remember: first, get a referral who diligently clicked very difficult. Second, recycle also need money, do it wisely.

    Set aside income for referral management. When you've been able to cashout, do not take all of the income. Leave umpteen dollars in rental balance to recycle or buy a new referral.

    Extend lease referral really good performance. Again, it is very difficult to find referrals that diligently clicked. If you get it, Extend and referral try it stays with you. For the less good performance, better recycle or you can buy a new one.

    Fixed click your own ads. Do not forget this one because it is also a source of income. Most sites require PTC members click their own ads if you want to get the value of referral clicks next day.

    Upgrade your membership. Indeed, this is only an option, but with the upgrade you will get more ads, click higher value, more referrals and of course penghasilanpun increased. Please upgrade only on legitimate PTC sites.

    Diligently perform calculations. Always remember that that you need to make a profit and not just survive on the PTC website. Make sure your money back after all that you did...good luck


Monday, 28 April 2014


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Apa sih orthopedi itu?


Banyak orang berpikir bahwa orthopedi hanya meliputi patah tulang dan berhubungan dengan operasi. Sebenarnya orthopedi jauh lebih luas dari itu, orthopedi bukan cabang ilmu bedah, melainkan cabang dari ilmu kedokteran.
Orthopedi menangani berbagai kelainan dan perlukaan sistem muskuloskeletal. Lantas sistem muskuloskeletal itu apa? Muskulo = otot, skeletal = tulang, jadi otot dan tulang saja dong? Lebih luas dari itu juga, sistem ini meliputi segala sesuatu yang berkaitan dengan alat gerak kita dari leher sampai ujung jari-jari kaki.
Jadi seorang dokter orthopedi terlatih untuk menangani segala macam keluhan alat gerak dari leher sampai ujung jari kaki, mulai dari rasa nyeri, kelemahan, kelumpuhan, kesemutan, luka sampai kaku dari bayi sampai orang lanjut usia.
Metode penanganan orthopedi pun bukan melulu melalui operasi atau pembedahan. Obat-obatan, alat bantu, gips, perubahan perilaku, semua dapat menjadi modalitas.
Lantas kata orthopedi sendiri artinya apa? Berasal dari kata orthos=lurus dan pais=anak, orthopedi pertama kali dicetuskan oleh Nicolas Andry tahun1741 dalam bukunya Orthopaedia, or the Art of Preventing and Correcting Deformities in Children. Meskipun kata orthopaedi kurang mencakup jangkauan ilmunya, namun ia terus digunakan selama lebih dari dua abad dan sepertinya tidak mungkin untuk diganti.


Banyak yang beranggapan bahwa dokter orthopedi mahal dan memilih berobat ke dukun patah tulang. Asumsi saya pada waktu itu banyak orang tidak mampu yang berobat ke dukun.
Ternyata selama saya belajar di rumah sakit umum untuk menjadi Orthopedi, ada yang menghabiskan uang belasan juta di dukun (dan tidak sembuh). Ada yang menjual dua sepeda motor (perkiraan saya kurang lebih 10 juta atau lebih) dan tidak sembuh. Bahkan ada kasus-kasus di mana harus berakhir dengan amputasi karena infeksi.
Sebenarnya patahnya pun relatif seserhana sehingga kategori operasinya sedang, dengan demikian biayanya kurang lebih sama bahkan bisa lebih rendah. Penderita juga tidak perlu dibidai berhari-hari seperti di dukun. Beberapa pasien mengatakan takut dioperasi. Padahal dioperasi bebas rasa sakit saat kita membenarkan posisi tulang, berbeda dengan dukun patah yang mana pasiennya tidak dibius saat “diperbaiki” tulangnya. Jadi mengapa memilih ke dukun?
Memang benar bahwa ada jenis-jenis patah tulang yang tanpa operasi atau gips dapat menyambung (sembuh), tetapi rata-rata yang demikian juga tidak memerlukan dukun. Di sinilah para dukun beraksi, melakukan klaim terhadap patah tulang yang sembuh sendiri.
Mengapa saya sampai membahas yang demikian? Bukan karena takut bersaing dengan dukun, tetapi banyakmpasien yang datang menjadi korban dukun. Bukan bertambah baik tetapi malah memerlukan operasi yang lebih rumit.
Yang paling baru saya temui malah sebenarnya tidak patah, tetapi dibebat sampai sikunya kaku tidak dapat bergerak, dan mungkin sekarang memerlukan operasi agar bisa bergerak kalau fisioterapinya tidak berhasil.
Herannya, kok tidak ada yang menuntut secara hukum ya? Sayang sekali belum ada penelitian yang dilakukan tentang dukun patah tulang ini (kalau pun ada belum sempat saya baca). Jadi saya belum bisa me-”tidak rekomendasi”-kan dukun.

Hanya saja seharusnya kalau tahu bahwa tindakannya mencelakai orang, kok tidak sadar-sadar ya?


Operasi Sekarang atau Tunggu Dulu?

Salah satu miskomunikasi yang sering terjadi antara dokter dan keluarga pasien adalah waktu operasi. Di sini seakan-akan terjadi tawar menawar antara dokter dengan keluarga pasien.
Ada dua kemungkinan skenario yang terjadi dalam hal ini. Pertama adalah dokter menganjurkan operasi segera namun keluarga menunda-nunda, dengan alasan menunggu pengambil keputusan utama di keluarga yang belum datang. Kedua adalah keluarga menginginkan operasi secepatnya sementara dokter menjadwalkan operasi keesokan harinya atau dua tiga hari lagi.
Lantas siapa yang benar dalam hal ini? Apakah operasi orthopedi sebaiknya dilakukan segera atau terjadwal?
Dalam dunia kedokteran secara umum ada tindakan yang “CITO” (harus segera dilakukan) dan ada yang “elektif” (dapat diatur jadwalnya). Ada beberapa hal yang menjadi CITO dalam Orthopedi, antara lain:
  1. Fraktur terbuka
  2. Sindrom kompartemen
  3. Dislokasi
  4. Cedera neurovaskular
  5. Arthritis septik
  6. Cedera tulang belakang dengan penurunan status neurologis
Berikut pembahasan singkat mengenai poin-poin di atas:
Fraktur Terbuka
Fraktur adalah patah tulang. Fraktur terbuka berarti tulang telah bersentuhan dengan dunia luar, yang berarti berisiko infeksi. Infeksi adalah musuh dari dokter orthopedi, infeksi dapat menyebabkan penyembuhan tulang terganggu–tulang tidak tersambung. Fraktur terbuka memerlukan operasi pembersihan (lazim disebut debridement) segera untuk mencegah infeksi. Semakin berat derajat fraktur terbuka (paling tinggi IIIC), dianjurkan segera dilaksanakan debridement. Tidak kalah pentingnya adalah pemberian antibiotik sesuai derajat fraktur terbuka sesegera mungkin.
Sindrom Kompartemen
Sindrom kompartemen adalah peningkatan tekanan di dalam tubuh. Di bidang orthopedi peningkatan tekanan terjadi di alat gerak (paling sering di tungkai bawah). Gejala dari sindrom ini adalah (berurutan) nyeri, pucat, mati rasa, lumpuh, hilang nadi. Apabila tidak ditangani dengan segera maka organ yang bersangkutan, misalnya lengan bawah, akan “mati”–keriput, kering, kaku, tidak berfungsi. Tata laksananya kadang sulit diterima pasien dan keluarga pasien, karena lengan bawah disayat-sayat dalam dan dibiarkan terbuka, tetapi percayalah bahwa ini terapi yang terbaik, yang mungkin menyelamatkan organ tubuh pasien.
Dislokasi adalah terlepasnya hubungan antara dua komponen sendi. Sendi yang paling sering terkena adalah sendi bahu dan sendi panggul. Dislokasi memerlukan penanganan segera karena, nyeri sekali dan dapat menimbulkan komplikasi lanjutan. Bila sendi dibiarkan lepas lama, maka tulang rawan yang melapisi sendi tidak mendapat makanan dari cairan sendi dan akan mengalami kerusakan permanen. Sendi akan terasa nyeri bila digerakkan, atau mengalami proses penuaan (degenerasi) dini. Tata laksana dari dislokasi adalah mereposisi sendi yang mengalami dislokasi. Anda bisa melihat dokter orthopedi ini bermanuver seperti ahli judo untuk mengembalikan sendi, umumnya membutuhkan pembiusan untuk mengurangi tegangan otot.
Cedera Neurovaskular
Cedera neurovaskular adalah cedera yang melibatkan pembuluh darah dan saraf. Dua unsur yang sangat penting. Dokter orthopedi yang akan menentukan apakah pembuluh darah itu cukup penting untuk disambung segera, demikian juga dengan saraf. Seorang dokter orthopedi mungkin akan memerlukan mikroskop atau lup untuk menyambung pembuluh darah atau saraf.
Arthritis septik
Arthritis septik adalah infeksi oleh kuman yang menghasilkan nanah pada sendi. Arthritis septik memerlukan operasi pembersihan (lazim disebut debridement) segera untuk mencegah kerusakan permanen pada sendi dan penyebaran infeksi
Cedera tulang belakang dengan penurunan status neurologis
Cedera pada tulang belakang dapat menimbulkan kecacatan bermakna bahkan sampai kematian. Tulang belakang melindungi sunsum tulang belakang (medula spinalis) yang bertugas seperti kabel untuk menggerakkan anggota badan kita dan menyampaikan impuls saraf ke otak. Cedera pada tulang belakang dapat menekan dan melukai medula spinalis. Ini memerlukan penanganan segera untuk mengurangi tekanan pada medula spinalis.

Tree of Andry

Tree of Andrygambar lambang orthopedi

Tuesday, 22 April 2014


Where is the location of Zone G-Spot And How to Find it
by : infotopcer.com


INFOTOPCER.COM - G-spot (or Grafenberg spot) is the coin of the very sensitive and is located below the surface of the vagina toward the front of the body. Although the location is different, the G-spot is usually located in the middle between the hip bone and the cervix, about 4.5 inches into the vagina. Researchers have found that in some women more sensitive taste along the upper wall of the vagina, and not just at one point.

Because the G-spot is located under the surface of the vaginal wall, it must be stimulated indirectly through the vaginal wall. Many women reportedly felt like secrete urine when this point was first stimulated, but when the stimulation is continued (with an empty bladder), it was very enjoyable. Some of them even reach orgasm, and there is also a discharge line with earlier orgasmic contractions.

But the existence of the G-spot and location, has been much debated and controversial. Grafenberg own this sensitive area as the point where the urethra (the tube that channel urine from the bladder) is closest to the top of the wall of the vagina. Perry and Whipple insist that this area is higher along the vagina, while the other sexology expert said that the entire outer wall of the vagina, and instead of just one point, contains nerve endings that are capable of producing great stimulus effects when stimulated (stimulation). Other research shows that for some women, the G-spot is not there.

Also which is debated is the liquid composition (sometimes called female ejaculation results) issued by some women during orgasm as a result of the G-spot stimulation. According to some researchers that the fluid is urine; others say that it is similar to the elements of fluid in the semen of men (no sperm, of course). Not all women who have a G-spot discharge, and of some women who put out, do not always go out together every G-spot orgasm.

According to Dr. Ernest Grafenberg, orgasm produced by point G cause effects that are far more powerful than the result of stimulation of the clitoral orgasm. If the regular orgasm (clitoral) only capable of making women squirming and lost consciousness, G spot orgasm produced much more formidable. It is said that the G spot orgasm due terstimulasinya create a feeling like "drifting clouds or fly to the sky"

It is very difficult for a woman to explore the G-spot and vaginal orgasm alone because most do not have a long enough fingers to achieve and difficult to achieve comfort, another case with ordinary orgasm; women can do it yourself with masturbation.

Working closely with a partner who is believed to be very delicious in finding the G-spot is a woman. By experimenting, a woman can find the type of stimuli that she felt most suitable. Stimulation to the penis is usually more effective when done with a fixed pressure and relaxed, not poke usual, because the G-spot is usually necessary to intense pressure and in the same place. Adding to the pressure slowly will help find the optimum pressure for erotic pleasure without pain. Some women are able to reach a climax only with this kind of pressure; for some may be highly raised the level of rangsangannya..ayo friend

G-spot can be stimulated before intercourse takes place. How, with touch it. Be sure to urinate when you'll discover the location of the point G is different for every woman, usually located approximately 5 cm in the hallway on the anterior wall of the vagina (the top to the stomach). Do your exploration with a body lying position with the hips slightly elevated position (elevated with pillows). In this position, you can insert a finger into the vagina and excursions of "fine". We recommend using water-based lubricants (KY or Astroglide) before inserting a finger because it will give it a little sick.

Then, during intercourse, this point will also be stimulated by the tip of the penis, when movement occurs ... According to experts sexology, women's position in the top-face down or sleep-more easily feel the stimulation at point G rather than other positions. Doggy position and the position of women at the top are effective ways to generate more direct stimulation.

Although not all experts agree that sex G-spot is in the body of a woman, most people believe that it exists and can be stimulated as a main element of enjoyment. It is often classified as a urethral sponge (a soft area is flat, roughly a third of the way toward the front wall of the vagina and there is proper when a woman was sexually aroused). He beat a little when touched with a finger sweep in the area could produce sensation and feeling like the release of orgasm.

Here are some scientific facts relating G-spot:

* When stimulated with the appropriate G-spot will expand and lead to orgasm for most women. At the time of orgasm, many women secrete a fluid through the urethra that is chemically similar to the fluid issued guy, but do not contain egg.

* As a result of the G-spot stimulation, women have a series of orgasms (many times).

* For most women is difficult to precisely stimulate the G-spot in the supine position.

* The use of spiral will disrupt the G-spot stimulation in some women.

* Due to believe that they are urinating, many women shy about ejaculation. With the same mind, costar often underestimated, which is the reason why many women trying desperately not to their orgasm.

* If a man raised muscular tension pubococcygeusnya (pc muscle), they can also learn to be a person who can experience multiple orgasms and separate orgasm from ejaculation. Want to know how to do it? Read this article

* There are several types of women and men. In women, there is an orgasm triggered by the clitoris vulva; no uterine orgasm triggered by sexual intercourse and a combination of both. In men, there is an orgasm triggered by the penis and orgasm triggered by the prostate.

How to Find the G-Spot?

Especially for adult women (once again; specifically for adult women!), At a depth of 2.5 cm to 5 cm in front vaginal folds, can be felt with the finger where it is located. For those of you who have a high sexual effect, it will be felt that there were one or two larger bulge in the wall of the vagina.

Basically, not all women feel the same. What is certain area on into as described above is spot area. You can feel the softness that can be touched with a finger. Size of a pea, smooth, soft and stick to the walls of the vagina.

Memex Licking Vagina way or the True and preferably Women - Before having sex sex warming should we do so that we can achieve mutual enjoyment. Women will feel experience climax or orgasmeapabila most vital parts or clitoris is given a touch of extraordinary pleasure, here is a Secret Tips Most Powerful Technique Licking Vagina, guaranteed your female partner will feel tremendous pleasure when you apply the Secret Technique Licking Vagina's Most Powerful .

This is a secret technique that is rarely known to man, because most men are just relying on instinct and natural instincts, but that alone is not enough to satisfy your beloved partner! read carefully ...

When it comes time for you to lick a woman's vagina, which parts you need to lick? Are there any special places that will make squirming and thrashing preoccupation like a fish that washed up on shore? Are there specific points that actually might make it reach orgasm while bellowing-roaring bellow or preoccupation? Of course!

Unfortunately, the man who is not proficient bersilat tongue in this case tend to lick the wrong place. Men are less experienced this kind is often argued that the most robust method for licking is part of the mouth of the vaginal opening partner. Although lick-lick there also can provide a delicious sensation for a woman, there are actually a more important role in providing as much satisfaction as possible for women: the clitoris (which is often also called the G-spot).

Where a woman's clitoris is located? The easiest way to show it is through the images on this side. Bumps grooved looked as if it was called a clitoris holes (circled by an ellipse).

Clitoris (clitoris) a woman's vagina looks like the head of the penis of a man, who enlarged, bald, and shiny on erection. As with the head of the penis, the clitoris is a very sensitive and filled with sensitive nerve endings. Thus, rubbed, scraped, or rubbing the clitoris with any rough or dry can give pain to your partner. Before you do anything against a woman's clitoris, the clitoris make sure that she has had enough lubricant (your saliva or discharge from the vagina). It would spare him from skin irritation (blisters and sores) that can be sustained if lack of lubrication, because the skin around the vagina of a woman is very delicate and easily scratched.

For additional information, a man's penis is actually derived from the clitoris. Each fetus is in the womb of a mother sex women at first. If the fetus then get testosterone, gradually clitoris a fetus will grow into a penis. Meanwhile, the existing holes in the bottom to close and occupied by seed testicles. This is why you can see a vertical line that looks like a seam if you look at the area between the testicles and seed your ass hole. In women, this hole will remain open and be a pussy hole.

After finding the location of her clitoris, start licking it slowly and smooth. The direction of movement of your tongue, the pressure you give to her clit, dankecepatan your tongue moves will determine the sensation. I suggest you start from a low tempo and gentle pressure. Slowly once, percepatlah movement of your tongue and perbesarlah pressure you put on her clit.

If you want, you may also use your lips together as if you are kissing her clitoris. According to experience, surrounding a woman's clitoris with your lips (like when you want to say the letter A) and simultaneously tickling her clit which was in the middle of the tongue movement to the left and right or up and down can give an incredible sensation for him . How does it feel? Maybe he will say, "A Million was great!" Especially kalaupada the same time you also let out your breath vapor from the mouth while ensuring lubricant (saliva) are enough around her clit. For him, maybe that is ten million tastes. If you do not already know, know that this technique can also be used for breast and nipple licking him.

Furthermore, although licking the clitoris is the main activity that you should do, which is too long clitoris licked constantly may experience some numbness (lack of sensitivity). This is why you also need to lick the surrounding areas. Licking areas around the clitoris is not just going to give women the variation in the sensation, but also will provide the right contrast to the sensation when your tongue back again touching and rubbing her clit.

Look at the picture above with numbers attached. If you licking area # 1 which is located right above a woman's clitoris, you will feel a slight bump that extends vertically (the amount varies for each woman). Short sycophancy to the left and to the right in this area is very exciting for women, especially if the same tongue movements you raise and lower the bumps along her clit. You may press a little harder with your tongue, but be careful when moving towards the direction of the clitoris (taper section). Certain women prefer gentle pressure when you reach the end of the clitoris (which is a very sensitive area), while other women want a bit harsh pressure in the area. Just ask him which one loves.

Area # 2 and # 3 are the lips of her pussy. Licking around and along the lips of a woman's vagina will also provide a stimulating sensation. I suggest you lick both in rotation by moving slowly, starting from one side, up to the clitoris to stop providing courtesy calls, and then continue to the next. Back-flip like this with a slow displacement. If you want, you may also occasionally touching her pussy hole. As an additional variation, change-change using only the tongue, your lips, or tongue and lips together to work on # 2, clitoris him, and # 3

Area # 4 and # 5 lower than the level of sensitivity of the clitoris, # 1, # 2, and # 3. One woman has ever licked her vagina even said that he is less concerned with licking in the # 4 and # 5, because the intensity of flavor that obtained with just licking the clitoris is quite satisfying and stimulating. But there is no harm if once in a while you taking the time to lick the area # 4 and # 5, and if necessary also the mouth of her vaginal opening.

One important thing that needs to be mentioned in connection with area # 4, # 5, and the vaginal opening between the two is that licking the area below can give you some idea about the stimulus is perceived by your woman. Women who would be wet horny pussy, and most likely fluid (mucus) natural lubricant from the vagina will flow out. If you feel the presence of the liquid with your tongue (usually slightly salty), means that the woman you are already aroused and possibly also are enjoying what you are doing for him. But if the area # 4, # 5, and dried pussy hole without mucus, may be a good idea to ask directly whether he really enjoys licking your tongue. Maybe you do not lick truly hit the right target. If this is his case, you are the only woman who can help you. He is the one who knows the right places, and you have to ask for instructions.

After studying the areas mentioned above, what the vaginal opening her mouth? Is it necessary licked too? The answer, is fine. Certain men were happy formed a tongue as sharp as possible and try to incorporate as much as possible the tip of the tongue into the female vagina. If you want to do this, do it with caution. Certain women may feel pain on pressure you spend when pressing the tip of your tongue into her pussy hole. Meanwhile, there are also women who actually feel the fun, especially if the tip of your tongue that has been inserted into the vagina pressing the top of the wall of her vagina. If you are lucky enough to fuck a woman like this, you give gandakanlah stimulation with rubbed her clitoris with your upper lip simultaneously.

Hopefully How Licking Vagina Memex or Right and liked this woman could give satisfaction to your partner and can be useful in your sexual relationship.


WOMEN WITH EASY WAY stimulate the fingers

How to Stimulate Women with Fingers

by : infotopcer.com

INFOTOPCER.COM -Activities stimulating the sensitive parts of the body of the female body is the most intimate activities and amazing for him. One way to stimulate a woman is to use your own fingers.
Although difficult at first, but by doing it regularly it too long you'll be an expert to play finger. Well let us see and learn some things that maybe you can try and practice when having sexual intercourse with your partner.

Glide your finger on the clitoris
The clitoris as well as the male penis is a primary focus on female arousal. By playing your finger on the clitoris, the woman will hardly bear pleasure. However, there are common mistakes that men are playing a woman's clitoris with his finger in the same way as a woman stimulates the penis. As a result not obtainable pleasure but pain.
Treating a woman's clitoris to be a gentle way because it is a very sensitive part. Similarly, the game your finger there, touch it with a rub-rub gently and do not rush. Before playing with the clitoris helps you generate excitement prior to the stimuli in other parts.
Note also the other part
Do not play with your fingers on the clitoris. As already mentioned in many articles that variation in touch and foreplay is important to prevent boredom. Give other female body part touch of your finger. For example, with the thrust of your fingers into the vagina pair, remove it, then menusukannya back. Just like the rules in playing with the clitoris, do not immediately play by giving the finger stimulation of the vagina because it was so impressed rush and make the woman shocked.
The importance of keeping the rhythm touch
When you play your partner's clitoris or vagina with a finger, then you must do it in a certain rhythm. Most common man always wants to raise the speed of the rhythm of his game, but it is not necessarily favored her. Therefore, asking what would you do to your partner is the best solution.
Explore parts G-spot
Besides playing your finger in the vagina and clitoris partner, you can also use your fingers to give a woman pleasure in the Gspotnya. Finding Gspot in women is difficult to shift easily because of its own abstract. But once you find it and play your finger there, the woman will feel a tremendous pleasure.
Other variations on the fingers
Actually, many variations and ideas that can be done by your finger in order to provide stimulation in women. But not all of these variations can be accepted by a woman because there are some of them are fairly extreme example includes all the fingers into the vagina. do it only if the woman asked her or you have permission of the owner of the vagina.
Where is the location of Zone G-Spot And How to Find it.
G-spot (or Grafenberg spot) is the coin of the very sensitive and is located below the surface of the vagina toward the front of the body. Although the location is different, the G-spot is usually located in the middle between the hip bone and the cervix, about 4.5 inches into the vagina. Researchers have found that in some women more sensitive taste along the upper wall of the vagina, and not just at one point.
Because the G-spot is located under the surface of the vaginal wall, it must be stimulated indirectly through the vaginal wall. Many women reportedly felt like secrete urine when this point was first stimulated, but when the stimulation is continued (with an empty bladder), it was very enjoyable. Some of them even reach orgasm, and there is also a discharge line with earlier orgasmic contractions.
But the existence of the G-spot and location, has been much debated and controversial. Grafenberg own this sensitive area as the point where the urethra (the tube that channel urine from the bladder) is closest to the top of the wall of the vagina. Perry and Whipple insist that this area is higher along the vagina, while the other sexology expert said that the entire outer wall of the vagina, and instead of just one point, contains nerve endings that are capable of producing great stimulus effects when stimulated (stimulation). Other research shows that for some women, the G-spot is not there.
Also which is debated is the liquid composition (sometimes called female ejaculation results) issued by some women during orgasm as a result of the G-spot stimulation. According to some researchers that the fluid is urine; others say that it is similar to the elements of fluid in the semen of men (no sperm, of course). Not all women who have a G-spot discharge, and of some women who put out, do not always go out together every G-spot orgasm.
According to Dr. Ernest Grafenberg, orgasm produced by point G cause effects that are far more powerful than the result of stimulation of the clitoral orgasm. If the regular orgasm (clitoral) only capable of making women squirming and lost consciousness, G spot orgasm produced much more formidable. It is said that the G spot orgasm due terstimulasinya create a feeling like "drifting clouds or fly to the sky".
It is very difficult for a woman to explore the G-spot and vaginal orgasm alone because most do not have a long enough fingers to achieve and difficult to achieve comfort, another case with ordinary orgasm; women can do it yourself with masturbation.
Working closely with a partner who is believed to be very delicious in finding the G-spot is a woman. By experimenting, a woman can find the type of stimuli that she felt most suitable. Stimulation to the penis is usually more effective when done with a fixed pressure and relaxed, not poke usual, because the G-spot is usually necessary to intense pressure and in the same place. Adding to the pressure slowly will help find the optimum pressure for erotic pleasure without pain. Some women are able to reach a climax only with this kind of pressure; for some may be highly raised the level of excitement.
G-spot can be stimulated before intercourse takes place. How, with touch it. Be sure to urinate when you'll discover the location of the point G is different for every woman, usually located approximately 5 cm in the hallway on the anterior wall of the vagina (the top to the stomach). Do your exploration with a body lying position with the hips slightly elevated position (elevated with pillows). In this position, you can insert a finger into the vagina and excursions of "fine". We recommend using water-based lubricants (KY or Astroglide) before inserting a finger because it will give it a little sick.
Then, during intercourse, this point will also be stimulated by the tip of the penis, when movement occurs ... According to experts sexology, women's position in the top-face down or sleep-more easily feel the stimulation at point G rather than other positions. Doggy position and the position of women at the top are effective ways to generate more direct stimulation.
Although not all experts agree that sex G-spot is in the body of a woman, most people believe that it exists and can be stimulated as a main element of enjoyment. It is often classified as a urethral sponge (a soft area is flat, roughly a third of the way toward the front wall of the vagina and there is proper when a woman was sexually aroused). He beat a little when touched with a finger sweep in the area could produce sensation and feeling like the release of orgasm.
Here are some scientific facts relating G-spot:
* When stimulated with the appropriate G-spot will expand and lead to orgasm for most women. At the time of orgasm, many women secrete a fluid through the urethra that is chemically similar to the fluid issued guy, but do not contain egg.
* As a result of the G-spot stimulation, women have a series of orgasms (many times).
* For most women is difficult to precisely stimulate the G-spot in the supine position.
* The use of spiral will disrupt the G-spot stimulation in some women.
* Due to believe that they are urinating, many women shy about ejaculation. With the same mind, costar often underestimated, which is the reason why many women trying desperately not to their orgasm.
* If a man raised muscular tension pubococcygeusnya (pc muscle), they can also learn to be a person who can experience multiple orgasms and separate orgasm from ejaculation. Want to know how to do it? Read this article
* There are several types of women and men. In women, there is an orgasm triggered by the clitoris vulva; no uterine orgasm triggered by sexual intercourse and a combination of both. In men, there is an orgasm triggered by the penis and orgasm triggered by the prostate.
How to Find the G-Spot?
Especially for adult women (once again; specifically for adult women!), At a depth of 2.5 cm to 5 cm in front vaginal folds, can be felt with the finger where it is located. For those of you who have a high sexual effect, it will be felt that there were one or two larger bulge in the wall of the vagina.
Basically, not all women feel the same. What is certain area on into as described above is spot area. You can feel the softness that can be touched with a finger. Size of a pea, smooth, soft and stick to the walls of the vagina.



Tips Sex, 5 Cara Membuat Wanita Cepat Orgasme

“Bisa dimulai dengan bilang pada pasangan, kalau dia terlihat seksi,” ujar dr. Boyke.
Masih menurut dr. Boy, jangan memaksakan pasangan Anda untuk berhubungan saat moodnya sedang tidak baik. Jika sampai dilakukan, sudah pasti si dia tidak akan orgasme.
Buatlah moodnya menjadi baik dengan cara menggodanya. Anda bisa memulainya dengan mengirimkan pesan-pesan mesra agar moodnya tetap baik dan gairahnya tetap membara.
Untuk membangkitkan mood, bisa juga melakukan hal-hal yang romantis. Sebagian perempuan menyukai hal-hal yang romantis. Oleh karena itu, buatlah suasana ruangan seromantis mungkin. Lampu yang redup, lilin-lilin di sekitar tempat tidur, wewangian aroma terapi dan bunga mawar yang ditebar di sekitar tempat tidur dapat membuat suasana romantis.
Jangan pernah meninggalkan foreplay, itulah nasihat dari dr. Boy. Sekali Anda melupakan ini, maka Anda akan mengubah mood si dia. Berikan pasangan Anda pelukan dan ciuman mesra untuk meningkatkan hasratnya. Sesekali, cicipi juga pemakaian pelumas untuk membuat si dia lebih bergairah.
v Dalam nasihat penutupnya, dr. Boy mengungkapkan, diperlukan pasangan yang berpengalaman agar perempuan mencapai orgasme. Sebisa mungkin bertahanlah untuk tidak ejakulasi terlalu cepat. Sesekali alihkan pikiran Anda dari seks yang sedang dilakukan dan jangan memejamkan mata untuk menahan ejakulasi.
Posisi Seks Agar Wanita cepat Meraih Orgasme

1. Posisi Seks Mouth Music.
Mintalah pasangan untuk ‘bersilat’ lidah di seputar organ intim Anda. Disebut mouth music karena aktifitas ini menimbulkan bunyi-bunyian sensual, yang bisa memberikan multiple orgasm pada wanita, apalagi jika dibantu dengan belaian jemarnya di daerah klitoris. Setelah mendapatkan orgasme, Anda pasti lebih siap untuk melanjutkan ‘permainan’ selanjutnya yang sesuai keinginan pasangan Anda.
2. Posisi Seks Woman On Top.
Dengan posisi di atas, wanita bisa mengatur kenyamanan dirinya, sehingga memudahkan mencapai orgasme. Posisi ini juga bisa merangsang bagian dalam vagina sekaligus klitoris sehingga Anda akan merasakan
sensasi ganda. Ada 2 posisi yang bisa Anda coba: dengan wajah menghadap pasangan atau memunggungi pasangan (gerakan angsa liar terbang mundur). Mintalah pasangan untuk membelai payudara atau klitoris Anda untuk meningkatkan rangasangan.
3. Posisi Seks Misionaris Miring.
Yaitu gaya konvensional (pria di atas, wanita di bawah) tapi dengan salah satu kaki Anda diletakkan di bahu pasangan. Posisi ini, selain memudahkan terjadinya orgasme, juga bebas rasa nyeri karena posisi penis suami tidak mengarah tegak lurus ke dinding rahim, melainkan ke samping. Kehangatan skrotum suami yang menyentuh bagian luar vagina juga akan memberikan sensasi tersendiri.
4. Posisi Seks Doggie Style.
Dengan mengatur lengkungan tubuh dalam posisi senyaman mungkin, mintalah suami untuk tidak memasukkan seluruh penisnya agar tidak menyentuh dinding rahim. Jangan lewatkan kenikmatan ganda di saat penetrasi, dengan meminta jemari si dia untuk memanjakan klitoris Anda.
5. Posisi Seks Posisi X
Ini merupakan posisi bercinta paling ideal untuk membuat pasangan mampu bertahan lama. Dimuali dengan ‘bersatu’ dalam posisi duduk, perlahan-lahan, sambil berpegangan, baringkan tubuh sampai di posisi berbaring menghadap arah yang berlawanan.
Gerakan perlahan-lahan dapat membuat si dia mampu menahan ejakulasi, sehingga Anda bisa mencapai orgasme berkali-kali. Jika dia masih bisa bertahan, cobalah duduk kembali dan mencoba gaya lain tanpa harus saling melepaskan satu sama lain.


how to stimulate a woman in 60 seconds
by : infotopcer.com

INFOTOPCER.COM -Here is a simple way to make a woman orgasm in just 60 seconds.
Orgasm as a supreme achievement. To menggiringya achieve this, know the right point to stimulate stimulation on him. To achieve maximum sexual relationship, there are certain things you can do.
The man who is able to give a woman an orgasm spray will get a special place in his heart. To get this it requires special skills that emotional hot buttons and sexual women will truly liberated. Any tip. Askdanandjennifer disclose it.

Entice him in the sexual area
Simply put, find out what they like. If you know where they like to be touched, do not think that you really strengthen sexual anticipation. All you need to do is ask and pay attention. It sounds easy enough, but unfortunately many men fail to achieve both simple though.
Consider the sexual needs and learning where the heat button, point sensual stimulation is and learn to gently stimulate these areas such as the use of the way while he was masturbating. Trust me, this will make the orgasm went very intense and fast.
Pamper her with fantasy
Everyone can satisfy the sexual desires of a woman if she knew the type of fantasy their partner. Most women fantasize about men who are in peak power. If you always feel when in the bedroom, now is a great time to be strong and assertive. While some women have sexual fantasies about cowboys, pirates, and so there is a common thread in them that they are the type of a control.
Double Dynamite
It's no secret that a woman's clitoris is the center of the key at the same orgasm pleasure for women. That's why men usually go directly to the clitoris in an attempt to mate in order to quickly achieve orgasm. But here the trick that is effective to achieve the double pleasure is to reduce the amount of time needed for the climax, by touching, stroking, teasing, and stimulate other body parts.
Once you learn where the point of sensual heat such as ears, neck, back, inner thighs, time to do a soft touch to arouse passion in one of those spots and simultaneously stimulate the clitoris. Use this technique with caution though sexual arousal will increase rapidly.
Clitoral orgasm G-spot into a double point
Learn how he is responding to stimuli and how she has an orgasm. Look clit and touch the way she likes. You can find this out from the reaction. Put your hands over your hands and let him show how he did it. Once lubrikannya started bulky in the clitoris, enter the index or middle finger to find and stimulate the G-Spot (usually around 2-3 inches in the front wall of the vagina). Stmulasi is right for both the sensitive areas can deliver him to the maximum orgasm.
next :


5 sex position to prevent premature ejaculation
by : infotopcer.com

INFOTOPCER.COM-Actually there are many things that can improve the premature ejaculation. Ranging from medical treatment, eating healthy foods, to change positions during sex.

3 Posisi seks oral terbaik untuk kepuasan maksimal!

 Here are sex positions that can make men avoid premature ejaculation as reported from idiva.com.

Lap dance

To do this position, the thing you do is sit on the lap of her. This position not only makes sex longer duration but also makes you as a controller of this relationship. Additionally look in his eyes when he met with your eyes will make sexual intercourse to be more romantic.

Face to face

Face to face is a position that makes you and he turns holding each other. This position will also further strengthen the emotional bond you and he.

Woman on top

While doing the woman on top, you are in control. This position will make him avoid premature ejaculation, because you are the ones who 'work hard'.

The soft rock

This position is similar to the missionary position. But put your feet shoulder into him to get deeper penetration.

Lying on his lap

While doing this position, ask him to sit comfortably in a chair and tuck some fruit pillow under her knees. After that sit on his lap with a sideways position and place one of your feet on his shoulders.

Turns premature ejaculation able to avoid the above position. In addition, one advantage of the position is that it can make sexual intercourse last much you and your partner lam

3 best oral sex position for maximum satisfaction!

3 best oral sex position for maximum satisfaction!

Therefore, in order to add warmth to your night, do not hesitate to perform oral sex. Oral sex also appeared to have some variation of the position of maximum satisfaction.

Here are the best oral sex positions as reported from yourtango.com.

The original

Just like the name suggests, this position is the original position to perform oral sex. The thing to do is your partner stand in front of you who have been squatting. After positioning are fit, then do it with maximal oral sex. Your tongue can freely explore and stimulate the genitals.

Lie back

While doing this position, you should sleep on their backs. Then your partner kneeling on you in a position opposite to you. This position will make your partner sigh with pleasure, because you are free to stimulate scrotumnya the favorite things of men.

Face plow

You need the help of a few pieces of pillow to support your head in doing this position. So when you sleep on your back, put a few pieces of pillow to support your head. After that, ask your partner kneel and open her legs in front of you. But while doing this position, you have to be careful and catch your breath carefully because penetration is carried in the mouth can be very deep.
How? Are you interested to try this position tonight with a spouse?


How to Overcome Premature Ejaculation

How to Overcome Premature Ejaculation
by : infotopcer.com

INFOTOPCER.COM-Consider How To Overcome Premature Ejaculation By herbal which proved very effective (mighty 5-8jam !!) and very safe to use because it does not contain lidocaine, has been guaranteed, even recommended by the renowned expert on reproductive health: Doctors Boyke Dian Nugraha. Herbal products for men today is a quality product No. 1 which has been officially registered in BPOM TR 052 642 331. Consider a full explanation How overcome premature ejaculation below.

 cara mengatasi ejakulasi dini

Know the Cause Premature Ejaculation &

Premature ejaculation or also known as ED is the most common sexual dysfunction of men, in addition to erectile dysfunction. Premature ejaculation is determined by whether or not a man is able to control the ejaculation that occurs in accordance with her wishes. Occurrence of Premature Ejaculation Causes Disease:

    Premature ejaculation can be caused by the presence of a disorder that is psikofisiologik. There are some problems that the background for the occurrence of premature ejaculation, the husband-wife relationship is not harmonious, displeasure of her partner, and fear of women.
    Anxiety also plays an important role in the process because of the problem of premature ejaculation is often a part of the situation and almost all patients can control ejaculation during masturbation. Illicit sexual relations and the fear of unknown others to encourage the emergence of anxiety. Their dissatisfaction with sexual partners will also add to the anxiety that ends will aggravate premature ejaculation.
    Habits achieve orgasm and ejaculation in a hurry before. For example, like masturbation with haste.

Best Herbal Proven Ways to Overcome Premature Ejaculation Most Secure and Most Powerful

How to Overcome Premature Ejaculation - Foredi herbal Gel is a very potent gel used to how to overcome premature ejaculation because of this herbal product is made from a blend of traditional materials naturally diataranya: Garlic, Nutmeg Seed, areca nut, betel leaf, Essen Orange, Gambir , Ginger, Turmeric, Pepper, etc. In addition, the products are recommended by the renowned reproductive health experts: Dr. Boyke Dian Nugraha has received an official license from BPOM TR 052 642 331 as a way to overcome premature ejaculation drug is very safe to use, does not contain lidocaine and proven not give negative side effects on functioning of the heart, kidney and brain as drugs taken.

how to overcome premature ejaculation

As a way to overcome premature ejaculation, FOREDI have the ability to perfect as ANTI SEPTIC, able to protect your sex organs from contamination of germs, fungi and bacteria that often causes intense itching and unpleasant aroma, so the sex organs of your spouse 'will be maintained on the transmission of bacteria. Not only that, how to overcome premature ejaculation with Foredi Gel is also able to increase the duration of intercourse your lap, ranging from 2 hours - 4 hours - 6 hours, up to 8 hours !!. Now is the time you restore happiness, romance and sexual satisfaction are perfect for your spouse.

Regarding the use of lidocaine that normally exist in the products of powerful drugs actually not recommended because it turns out if taken in the right dose can cause adverse side effects. Lidocaine Side Effects may vary depending on the dose and route of administration. Among them is bad at:

    Cardiovascular: arrhythmia, bradycardia, arterial spasm, cardiovascular collapse, defibrillation threshold increase, edema, flushing, heart block, hypotension, suppression of the SA node, vascular insufficiency (periarticular injection).
    CNS: agitation, anxiety, coma, confusion, disorientation, dizziness, drowsiness, euphoria, hallucinations, headache, hiperestesia, lethargy, lightheadedness, anxiety, psychosis, seizures, slurred speech, somnolens, unconscious.
    Dermatology: angioedema, bruising, contact dermatitis, depigmintasi, skin edema, itching, petechiae, pruritus, rash, urticaria

Herbal medicine Premature Ejaculation

Premature ejaculation herbal medicine

The main causes of premature ejaculation in men is due to the flow of blood in the body are not went so well that the sexual organs are not getting enough blood supply and it is difficult to get an erection causes the penis and also cause penis easily remove sperm when having sex. Besides other causes of premature ejaculation is due to a lack of sexual desire and excessive stress factor.

Obat ejakulasi dini herbal

Tricajus premature ejaculation herbal medicine is very safe to be consumed by men who experience premature ejaculation because it does not contain harmful chemicals in it so it will not cause negative efeksamping on the condition of the body, besides this Tricajus herbal medicine has also received marketing authorization from BPOM RI official ensure the safety of drug consumption in Indonesia by Number:. For people with the disease is also very safe drug consumption can even treat heart disease. With herbs Tricajus routinely and regularly for 3-6 weeks after spending ± 40 sachets Tricajus usually a disease that affects premature ejaculation can be cured and permanent and does not cause dependence (depending on the level of healing disease illness).

Which became the manufacture of medicinal herbal premature ejaculation are Tricajus alloy Tribulus terrestris extract and maca, according to research that has been done that maca can overcome premature ejaculation. Tested on 470 people for 30 days and conclusions 69.4% Increase strength and inner power. and tested in men who experience less sexual arousal 1120 people, in the 30-day test and the conclusion returning 94.6% Increase in sexual desire.
Scientific reason why premature ejaculation herbal medicine is very good Tricajus help overcome the problem of premature ejaculation in men quickly

According to research conducted by Dr. daughter Aminah (FKU Doctors Health experts from Moestopo) in premature ejaculation herbal medicine, there are Tricajus active compounds "protodiosin" similar to the formation of DHEA as a base material that serves very good hormone to regulate blood pressure and helps balance blood flow in the body so that the sexual organs get a blood supply that is perfect and it is this which makes the penis can stand erect and gallant in pasangannnya intercourse when having sex. In addition, this Tricajus herbal medicine tastes good like a lemon tea and everyone would be like to consume this Tricajus, Tricajus herbal medicine can also stimulate the body to produce sexual hormones testosterone and estrogen secure that the function can increase sexual arousal.

Tricajus herbal medicine has been proven to significantly can overcome the problem of premature ejaculation in men quickly and does not cause negative efeksamping on health conditions, the following is the recognition of one of our customers who have this Tricajus herbs as an alternative treatment for the disease he suffered from premature ejaculation:



definition of premature ejaculation

by : infotopcer.com

INFOTOPCER.COM-Wikipedia Indonesia can not be responsible and can not guarantee that the medical information provided on this page is correct. Ask the opinion of professional medical personnel before treatment.

Premature ejaculation or also known as ED is the most common sexual dysfunction of men, in addition to erectile dysfunction. But at first many men who experience premature ejaculation did not realize that it include sexual dysfunction. They only feel and complained to himself, why ejaculation happens too fast. Premature ejaculation is determined by whether or not a man is able to control the ejaculation that occurs in accordance with her wishes.


    Premature ejaculation can be caused by the presence of a disorder that is psikofisiologik. There are some problems that the background for the occurrence of premature ejaculation, the husband-wife relationship is not harmonious, displeasure of her partner, and fear of women.

    Anxiety also plays an important role in the process because of the problem of premature ejaculation is often a part of the situation and almost all patients can control ejaculation during masturbation. Illicit sexual relations and the fear of unknown others to encourage the emergence of anxiety. Their dissatisfaction with sexual partners will also add to the anxiety that ends will aggravate premature ejaculation.
    Habits achieve orgasm and ejaculation in a hurry before. For example, like masturbation with haste.
    Less functioning of serotonin, a neurotransmitter substance that serves to inhibit ejaculation.
    Disruption events that regulate neural control of ejaculation (ejaculation reflex hypersensitivity). Men with erectile dysfunction are generally experienced premature ejaculation. Conversely, men with premature ejaculation may eventually suffer from erectile dysfunction.


Turns premature ejaculation is different. Premature ejaculation can be divided into three types based on its severity, namely: mild premature ejaculation, premature ejaculation moderate, and severe premature ejaculation.

    Lightweight - ejaculation occurs after some brief friction.
    Medium - ejaculation occurs after the male sex organ into the female sex organ.
    Weight - Ejaculation happened so touching male sex organs female sex organs outside.

Whatever type of severity, which definitely lead to premature ejaculation sexual intercourse takes place not in harmony. At premature ejaculation, even disharmony due to dissatisfaction on both sides pihak.Pria who experience premature ejaculation feel dissatisfied because sexual relationship lasted a very short in spite of himself. Although unable to reach orgasm, men who experience premature ejaculation also felt very disappointed because it was not able to give sexual satisfaction to their partners.
How to overcome

    Trying to be more aware of their own bodies and how to respond during sex.
    Try to take a deep breath, it could help disrupt the response or reduce the stress experienced so that it can be relaxed or relaxed.
    During sex enable the whole body and not just focused on the genital organs only, use caresses and sweet touch to extend the stimulus.
    Perform enough foreplay and no rush to penetrate. In addition to fun couple, it can also make men last longer in bed.


Saturday, 19 April 2014


pursuing a dream
by : infotopcer.com

INFOTOPCER.COM-I actually confused about what makes a title, the idea has been about dreams or ideals but if you make the title is sometimes difficult too, pengennya make titles that can attract the attention of people so, he he, yes please aja, CHASING A DREAM OR CHASING A DREAM? good one in my opinion (not narcissistic ye)

Every person has a dream certainly including me and you too of course. The dream of every single person is different. There is a dream that has become a businessman, a doctor, so officials with busy to be a candidate, so the artist, a famous singer or master also blogging, earn income from the internet so abundant variety of products and a variety of ways used to be the media make money on the internet , look once you enter the world of the Internet, all of which look glamorous, whether true or just a hoax is where our role to be more prudent in the vote or even some fad looking for coins on the internet too much, like me he he, so not okay from the large dapet not, okay for the added-added internet connection.

But having said that, if indeed it is our dream that true True? You can ask yourself, I've heard a song titled Nugie Lantern Soul, I write cuplikanya baitnya here if there were not already know, that is already out in just skip reading, he he.

Kumencari long already, what was to be kulakukanSegala tiitk I explored, none of my mengertiTersesatkah I live in oceans

Well maybe some of us have felt like it, do not know what to do, if you ask me more details still do not have a dream, so confused should be doing. But at the end of the song was new I understand that the intention is to look for the dream in truth he wants.

Actual dreams we dream a dream that is a good fit of conscience, because if we pursue the dream that is consistent with our conscience is usually not just merely the pursuit of money, fame and sebagianya positions, but rather to search dreams according to the identity and therein lies enjoyment and happiness.

An example was when I had a high school art teacher, recently taught a sudden he resigned from teaching activities and decided to be a painter, went to a small village and begin his life as a painter and his paintings at that time was not yet known and sometimes to support itself he he sells his home petty simple. Logically doing dah why people have enough salary and status may talk among us okay PNS so loh ... slashing out of the teaching job to become a painter only uncertain income, mah paint can sideline, it seems to me at that time and now I New understand that he may pursue his dream that in accordance with his conscience.

Talk about a dream, maybe it would be good if the dream that we really want is a dream according to conscience continue his dream is to become millionaires, everyone would have a dream like that even recently neuroscience studies in the field of cognitive psychology, shows that being a millionaire is the desire of every human being, including me he he ...

But did you know that there is a difference between the pursuit of dreams and pursue a dream.

People who pursue the dream is a person who does have a real dream, clear and can be measured, not dreamers who expect down money from the sky or expect to win the lottery 1 billion. Dreamer or fancier thousands in number, while those who have a dream can still be counted. Among them there is a difference like the earth and the sky, John C. Maxwell says "Dreamer much talk and little work, they may save a crazy idea, but never seen it happen. Dreamer does not have the discipline. Conversely those who have a dream of few words but do a lot of things. You may not hear all of her dreams, but if observed, you will see it happen. "Stop Dreaming Start Action is the answer.

Now obviously probably the difference between the dreamer who only pursue a dream without knowing what he had to do to achieve his dream with someone who has a dream and know what to do to achieve their dreams. Big dreams with the correct way of working is not something that is impossible for embodied, many examples in the world that managed to realize the dream of magnitude. Wrigt brothers, Martin Luther King Jr., Colonel Sanders, Walt Disney and many more are all from people who have a dream and achieve.

But if you already have a great and noble dream and in accordance with your own conscience, you have to remain vigilant that many around us roaming (like ghost wrote ye he.he) people usually obscure and deliberately dropping our dreams, as if giving advice to oblique tone that aim to bury your dream. The words "impossible" or "useless" sometimes often terrorize us so that we do not have the courage to make it happen, will gradually make us afraid to continue the struggle we are pursuing the dream through to the end of our dream was becoming a dream that can only be stored and dihayalkan without the slightest action was predictable and our dreams become mere bad dream. And if you want to know, one way to prevent the dream into a dream is awake and immediately went to work to make it happen.
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