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INFOTOPCER.COM -Jakarta High Court indeed balls sentenced to eight years in prison and a fine of 300 million shortfall subsidiary six months to the former Director of Indosat Mega Media (IM2), Indar Atmanto.
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INFOTOPCER.COM -Jakarta High Court indeed balls sentenced to eight years in prison and a fine of 300 million shortfall subsidiary six months to the former Director of Indosat Mega Media (IM2), Indar Atmanto.
This is related to cases of corruption committed in the procurement network Indar 2.1 GHz / 3G in PT Indosat. IM2 is proven beroperari without permission in the 3G frequency bandwidth because only hire operator Indosat..
In fact, this business model also diugunakan by most ISPs in Indonesia. Please note that the number of ISPs in Indonesia for more than 200.
Fear is what can lead to the termination of internet service over the next few weeks by companies ISP. If true it happens, then it is considered reasonable raises Indonesia Internet threats will die in total.
In an effort to avoid such threats, the internet service provider, such as the Association of Indonesian Internet Service Provider (APJII), Domain Name Management Indonesia (Pandi), and the Indonesian Telecommunications Regulatory Body (BRTI), agreed to question the status of ISP service business law to the Supreme Court ( MA).
"In this week, we will send a letter to the Supreme Court to ask for a fatwa, whether such business schemes and Indosat IM2 that violate the rules or not," said Chairman APJII Semmy Pengerapan.
Indar, former Managing Director of IM2 were imprisoned, had filed an appeal to the Supreme Court but was refused and now he had to crouch in the LP Sukamiskin Bandung. MA also punish IM2 to pay compensation of Rp 1.3 trillion.
Hopefully Indonesia Internet threats will total dead did not come true, if not "We're going back to the days of 1995 before there was internet in Indonesia," said Chairman Andi Pandi Budimansyah
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