Friday, 17 October 2014


posted by

INFOTOPCER.COM - Good morning bloggers all this time my friend will try to post HOW TO MAKE EASY READ MORE IN THE BLOG ... at noon yanag friends this summer I try to share knowledge

how to How to Make Read More in Blog with ease ....

many bloggers are still confused to make readmore on the blog, despite being much discussed in the articles that had earlier about how to create a blog readmore automatically. This is because many of the blog articles Copas blog when the blog owner himself did not understand the way. therefore I will try to explain how to make readmore automatically on the blog for beginner bloggers can make ...

calibaration calibaration beginner or newbie blogger may still confused as to what it readmore ?.

Read more is a fragment in an article, usually only show a few sentences and are usually marked with the word "READ MORE", "READ MORE", "CONTINUE" dlll. And Benefits readmore also to shorten or tidy up a long article, so posting articles you will be well-organized with only displays images and a few sentences,

ok do not have much to say let's go to TeKaPe

How to make automatic readmore with images

   -  Please open your template. Select: TEMPLATE >> EDIT.
     Find Code </ head>.
   - Copy and paste the following code just above the </ head>


<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType != &quot;static_page&quot;'>
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType != &quot;item&quot;'>
.post-body img{max-width:none;width:auto;}
.read-more{float:left; padding-top: 10px;}
.read-more a{ color: #fff!important;text-shadow:0 1px 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.5);background:#0457A9;  text-decoration:none;font:bold 13px Arial;padding:5px;}
.read-more a:hover{text-decoration:none;background:#666;}
.pic{border: 10px solid #fff;float:left;height:165px;width:250px;margin-right: 20px;margin-bottom:10px;overflow:hidden;box-shadow: 5px 5px 5px #111;}
.grow img{height:165px;width:250px;transition: all 2s ease;}
.grow img:hover{width:400px;height:250px;}
<script type='text/javascript'>
var thumbnail_mode = &quot;yes&quot;; //yes -dengan gambar, no -tanpa gambar
summary_noimg = 300; //banyaknya huruf jika tidak ada gambar
summary_img = 250; //banyaknya huruf jika ada gambar
img_thumb_height = 165;
img_thumb_width = 250;
<script type='text/javascript'>//<![CDATA[
function removeHtmlTag(strx,chop){if(strx.indexOf("<")!=-1){var s = strx.split("<");for(var i=0;i<s.length;i++){if(s[i].indexOf(">")!=-1){s[i] = s[i].substring(s[i].indexOf(">")+1,s[i].length);}}strx =  s.join("");}chop = (chop < strx.length-1) ? chop : strx.length-2;while(strx.charAt(chop-1)!=' ' && strx.indexOf(' ',chop)!=-1) chop++;strx = strx.substring(0,chop-1);return strx+'...';}function createSummaryAndThumb(pID){var div = document.getElementById(pID);var imgtag = "";var img = div.getElementsByTagName("img");var summ = summary_noimg;if(thumbnail_mode == "yes"){if(img.length>=1){imgtag = '<div class="grow pic"><img src="'+img[0].src+'" width="'+img_thumb_width+'px" height="'+img_thumb_height+'px"/></div>';summ = summary_img;}}var summary = imgtag + '<div>' + removeHtmlTag(div.innerHTML,summ) + '</div>';div.innerHTML = summary;}

<!--Auto Read More Akhir-->
  • Save your template
  • Then scroll down the template you're looking for code like the following:

Note: The key word is inside the black box "BLOG POSTS / blog post" if you are using Indonesian.
  • If suda find the code as shown above you please click the small arrow black left
  • After a small arrow is clicked it will be display bleak picture below

  • Find the code marked with a black box. 'POST' VAR = 'POST' '.
  • Once found click the arrow straight to the code.
  • will then open another code code.
  • sliding or scrol down and look for the code
  •  Having met remove and replace the above code with the code below:
<!-- Auto read more Mulai -->
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;item&quot;'>
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;static_page&quot;'>
<div expr:id='&quot;summary&quot; +'><data:post.body/></div>
<script type='text/javascript'> createSummaryAndThumb(&quot;summary<>&quot;);
      <div class='read-more'>
      <a expr:href='data:post.url'>Baca Selengkapnya &#187;</a>
<!-- Auto read more Akhir -->
  • Click SAVE / SAVE and see the results.
Looks like a tough but if while in practice because this could certainly have been very detailed, if I may briefly explain the novice bloggers would not understand or trouble making.

so first my sari for how to make readmore may be useful, and if there are those who do not understand you are welcome to ask directly.


Sunday, 12 October 2014


Tips raise pagerank blogs with ease
 by infotopcer

INFOTOPCER>COM _Good morning friends netter all ...!

in this sunny morning infotopcer will share information in accordance with the title in this post .....

there is some question in my mind that during this relentless struggle among ...

-how important ce in the eyes of Google and pagerank Blogger ..?

-what purpose and intent of Google to rank a website?

-What Are some things that cause us to be high pagerank blog?

-Do Nothing to do with the number of visits to the blog?

Perhaps this is a bit of a question that the representative in the minds of friends of all, bloggers who do not understand the intricacies of the pagerank of a website and how Google ranks a website. not entirely people who know about pagerank. But it does not hurt too if I share a little experience how the tricks and tips on raising pagerank blogs, certainly based on experience and references from other websites ..

Let us start from the domain this blog originally was named blog, runs for approximately 5 months. In June 2013, but there is a desire to purchase your own domain, with the aim to register adsense to quickly diterima..Konsekuensinya clear, blogs should lose pagerank and traffic. And then I've berPR1 blogspot. After my custom domain to, I lose a lot of visitors and PR back to 0.
meningkatkan PR blog

Along with berjalanya time, finally in November 2013 and is currently updating pagerank Super clueless gets PR 1, and a visit back to normal while still blogspot. Then in early February 2014 that last no more updates pagerank and Blogs super clueless got 3 of Google's PageRank. Including some of my other blogs that new domain age 2 months got a PR 2.

and now how do I raise pagerank blogs with ease? periodically checks usually 3 months, if there is a bid to raise pagerank blog quickly, carefully it could be a scam, because wearing fake pagerank technique (which took PageRank of a website) that is banned by Google.

Let's start .ini my way ....
1. Quality Articles and backlinks.

Quality articles that how?

Article / blog that will get high pagerank is a unique article, is unique in the sense of not copy and paste them raw. finally comes the question, why blogs are almost entirely copy and paste gets high PR, which eventually became backlinklah quality indicator. How a quality backlink, backlink course of the blog / high pagerank pages anyway. For example, if your blog gets 1 (one) backlinks from blogs berPR 5 would be great although got hundreds or thousands of backlinks from websites with Pagerank 0.

2. The number of incoming links

Incoming Links or incoming links also influence the PageRank of a website because there is also a Google rank of a website.

The more incoming links, the more good in the eyes of Google, also indirectly boost the position of the article and blog on google.

To check the number of backlinks and backlinks from anywhere can know in clueless pal or buddy can open it in Google Webmaster Tools in the menu Traffic> Links to Your Site.

3. Age domain / blog.

Domain age is quite an effect on our blog PR. And this is reasonable, the older the domain blog of course the more links like humans getting older masuk.sama more the experience and the theme as well as with the blog ..

Well below are some tricks I've ever tried to raise the pagerank of the blog Super clueless.
1. Expand / internal Give a link to the homepage, and other articles.

As the tips increase the value of Alexa rank, the easiest technique (even to say stale but forgotten) do is to make a good internal links within posts and homepages on the sidebar, footer etc. (please see this blog as a vertical menu for example). Each page has a blog article pagerank different, well of article PR blogs (minimum PR 0), that we provide a link to another article that PR is still low (n / a). This technique can also be applied to shoot keyword, must be adapted to the anchor text. (I will discuss in the next post). Occasionally give a backlink to the main menu or the homepage of our blog.

2. Improve the quality of the blog.

Indicators of quality blogs pretty much, from a technical point of writing, blog, blog navigation, lighter weight loading blog, bounce rate etc. Basically, "how do I get blog visitors feel at home and many open our article".

That he's my trick that I use for this until Super clueless blog can get Pagerank 3.Yup that, while during the last 4 months, I very rarely practically never even techniques that will be explained below.

But there are other tricks that can mate try, because there are many other techniques to increase pagerank blog.

1. Blog commenting

Blog commenting or commenting on other blogs is necessary so that a backlink to your blog continues to grow. Most bloggers like the blog dofollow or no facilities URL / Name her. Actually, with our Google account also commented (without directly leads to the blog) still have a chance to get backlinks (even good because it is natural), with a record of the visitors open a Google account we then headed blog belong to us.

2. Exchanging links.

Effective methods of link exchange to increase pagerank blog? Link exchange is good enough done on the condition, should be equally a niche / theme, not in the yard, but appear in all pages, and both have Pagerank. Many bloggers are exchanging links in a static page or a page of a particular post. According to this Julak not much affect much (could even be considered spam), with the exception of those pages have high PR. Why Julak do not want to exchange links? Julak give up, never exchange links with blogs friend, not him removed Super clueless blog link there also are redirected to adfly. Finally I decided to stop exchanging links (sorry if there is a friend who invites bloggers to exchange links, I can not meet). Exchanging links point there must be honesty between bloggers. See article link exchange gain or loss

3. List blogs on the web directories and submit articles in social bookmarking.

  Just as an aside, choose web directories which also gave rise to a feed / blog article on their website, for example, blogtopsites, bloglog, blogtoplist etc., and have a high PR. Social Bookmarking good to, StumbleUpon, LinkedIn and sosbok based Drigg. Please find themselves yeee in Google much really .. hehehe.

Passable tired of writing tips raise Google's PageRank, please buddy who want to add in the comments, perhaps have another trick..goood luck...





INFOTOPCER.COM - Good morning bloggers all reportedly fine day yes and vigorously,this time my friend will try to posthow good ini.... we meet again with the info topcer may not bored and saturated,, Kamia's present lagid will share their knowledge of science in accordance with our experience ..

ok conformed to the title of the post diatas..mari us to review and understand first what is ping and backlink.

Stands Ping (Packet Internet Gopher) is a utility program that can be used to check Induktivitas network of technology-based Transmission Control Protocol / Internet Protocol (TCP / IP). By using this utility tool, the relationship a computer with other computers can be tested. This is done by sending a packet to the IP address to be tested connectivity and awaiting a response darinya..dan Before talking more about "Ping", I want to ask you first ... Usually after updating the blog / post the latest articles,

- What do you do to Search Engines know that you've just posted the latest article?

- Do you promote it to several social bookmarking or through comments on

other blogs then you put the links page article that you just post?

  Indeed, it is nice done but did not tired tired? Especially when it is continuously performed every post recent articles. Was really tired deh ... :)

therefore despite the fact that it automatically without even the promotion of search engines will crawl your blog especially if there is the latest articles are original and unique, then the search engine would have been very happy. But in the midst of so many blogs of course we have to be proactive, do not wait, do not you think?

The sooner the better ...! Well ...! then this is where the function "Ping" is to give information to the Search Engine that we recently updated blogs. But there is a but ya. Should "Ping" is done once a week or 3 days is also when you have to update the blog. Because if too often might Search Engine consider your blog as "spammers" .. ok we start

How to do a "Ping

one example, we use "ping service"

Then you fill in the data that is the title of the blog and your blog URL address, then tick on the "Check all" which means "Ping" to all Search Engines. Wait for the "ping" is underway. When you have finished updating the blog means you've successfully detected by the Search Engine listed on the site "Ping Service" is. Practical right?

Some sites "Ping Service" you can use:

1. Pingoat
2. totalping
3. pingomatic


If you ever do a "Ping" then you forget and then "ping" again on the same day. Automatically Pingomatic will answer with a sentence like "Slow Down Cowboy ..." (Answer from which I use). This means that you will be impetuous, ga sabar.kata gugel champion, .. if you have this, better wait until the "ping" again 2atau 3 days.

understanding Backlink

ok now we discuss the second is backlinks ..

A backlink is a link or a text that is in another site or sites we own that if we click then it will go to the other page, and this is called a backlink to the intended page.

The text of this link is usually in the form of anchor text or short text which usually is the keyword of the destination page of the blog.

function Backlink

for the next step would be helpful to know the function of the backlink backlink sendiri..Fungsi very important to increase the popularity of a site / bog that we are familiar with pagerank be a measure of authority and importance of the site, especially by search engines like Google.

The number of backlinks depicts the popularity of a site and the importance of a website in the internet world. The greater the number of backlinks a website / blog, the more popular and important existence and content of the site / blog.

3 free ways make backlinks:

    - berkomentarlah on DoFollow blogs. Just search on google with the format "do follow blogs list" must have. Do not forget to write your website link.
    - Advertising on the site visitors ads or advertisers are outrageous. Examples:
    - Exchange links with other bloggers. But remember, try to choose the blogroll in the sidebar or footer. If in the post or tab menu link you want yes no papa.
Okay maybe it wrote first, please who want to try the tips are already ane praktekkin too. tolerable hell, Alexa ranking nambah2, hehehe ..... goooodd luck 
see also : Tips Eliminate / delete posts with easy really Blogger

Tuesday, 7 October 2014


by :

INFOTOPCER.COM - Good morning bloggers all this time my friend will try to post
make meatballs ga arbitrary, we should be able to pick and choose the meat and size,
almost everyone loves meatballs. Enjoyed in the afternoon after the move, especially in cold weather, it would feel good. Coupled with a dollop of spicy pepper bite while, make you can not stop popped it into his mouth. However, you must have dubious cleanliness meatballs you buy from merchants pavement, is not it? Then, why not try to make it yourself?

Meatball recipe is actually very easy to make. The ingredients were easily found in traditional markets or supermarkets. By making yourself at home, you can be sure of the cleanliness and safety of the materials used. Homemade meatballs certainly will not contain formaldehyde, borax or other preservatives like that you worry about when buying meatballs from street vendors.

To serve, mix the supplementary materials such as yellow noodles, glass noodles and vegetables in a bowl just before serving so that freshness is maintained.

standard :

Meatballs are food Yag most popular banak Indonesian society, even meatballs had already spread to all over Indonesia, even abroad. Meatballs much liked by the general public because many vitamins are contained in the meatballs. In addition to delicious meatballs are also usually sold at a guaranteed low price. These foods are generally derived from beef, but many are doing the innovation of chicken or shrimp.

Well, how do I make a delicious akso, perlukitapelajari, because making meatballs is not easy, but it can really trying ... .--: - D

Ni recipes to make raw meatballs .... (Not so SOP, but it can be eaten) ...:-D

Monggo in check just in TeKaPe ... >>> .--: - D


4 Kg of fresh beef (do es2an) select part Tepong / meat As / meat hump.

1 gengam garlic peeled

1-2 boxes of salt (salt small box size) when the salt shortage meatballs fragile and when most of the meatballs will salty wkkwkkwkk:-D

50 milligrams of fried onion

1 teaspoon pepper

50 milli grams of sugar white / red sugar (its function as a counterweight salt)

2-3 chicken eggs

1 Kg Kanji (as adhesive meat)

2-3 sachets Masako / Royko

1 sachet flavoring smallest 20 milligrams

Well ni him the most important, do not let any material miih ... ..: - D

Choice of materials - the main ingredient to make meatballs

1. Beef

select beef that is still fresh, even the still bleeding. Free beef tendon and a little fat such as meat and gandik lemusir will produce the best quality meatballs. Can also be used cover meat, quads, or chops. For meatballs veins, select Beef shank meat. The more fresh the better, because the fresh beef meatballs will amount that quality is guaranteed.

  Techniques make meatballs

1. Make dough balls

to make the dough balls, cut into small pieces of meat, then finely chopped using a sharp knife or a food processor or blender. After that, puree the flesh, knead with ice cubes or ice water (10-15% by weight of meat) and salt (and other spices) until the dough is smooth and malleable plastic so. Little-bit add the flour so that the dough is more binding.

The addition of starch sufficient 15-20% of the weight of the meat, so that the taste of the meat remains prominent. Your bias creative by mixing or adding other ingredients into dough balls to get the texture or taste of the other. For example, mix chicken with shrimp or chopped mushrooms. Other materials that bias combined with meat, including white eggs, flour panir, cheese biscuit or other salty biscuit, glass noodles, tofu, scallions, onions, etc. So that the taste of the main ingredients remain prominent, add other ingredients a little.

2. Form dough balls

after getting the desired dough, you can directly form the meatballs by using 2 spoons. Take the dough with a spoon, then spoon a round shape with the help of one another. For those who are adept could use a hand. Take a handful of dough, knead and press towards the thumb. Dough out from between the thumb and forefinger to form spheres.

So that the dough does not stick, apply a little oil in the palm of your hand. Dough should be formed immediately boiled or put in boiling water until done. Mark: balls meatballs will float on the water surface. Boiling meatballs usually lasts 10-15 minutes. Once removed, drained, cooled at room temperature

And these materials make meatball soup

     cow bone

Seasoning sauce meatballs

     5 cloves garlic, fried and mashed
     Red onion 4 cloves, fried and mashed
     1/2 tbsp fried onions, puree
     sugar 2 tablespoon
     salt 1 tablespoon
     1/2 teaspoon pepper
     leek 4 sticks, white part only, finely sliced small small
     instant beef broth, 2 tsp

How to Make Gravy Meatballs

     Boil water together with bones and all the marinade to a boil and bones become mature.
     When ripe, reduce the flame and then you are able to present a joint meatball gravy.

Well so was a recipe and ingredients how to make meatballs were very delicious and suitable to be served with your family while still warm. And would be more enjoyable if you add the tofu, celery and others so that you make the meatballs more interesting to eat. Hopefully it succeeds make meatballs yes and it's also good .
gratitude for his visit, may be useful.....
next :


 by: infotopcer

INFOTOPCER.COM -Assalamualaikum wr.wb this time my friend will try to post some places to make love very challenging than the bedroom..duhai religions meet again with my friend all the infotopcer us a place to share and gain a lot of knowledge in accordance with kebuthan kita..oke when we have limited time to explore sex with style, space, and a different atmosphere , now is the time to invite the couple to repair sex (quickie) at the location of fencing hot.Dalam matters of sex, time and location are important factors ...

But, we definitely felt bored making love in a rule that's it, of course you want to find a new spot to fuck where you can give more encouragement cepat.SETIAP sex couples need to realize that life spiced up to be satisfactory. If the idea of having sex in a public space does not become your fantasy, do not get confused. Another side of the house remains attractive for dieksplorasi.Jika you are looking for a way to heat the bed, then out the Iranian bedroom. The bedroom is not the only place fencing interesting rule for sex.

This is the hot spot bberapa rule I recommend where every great ape had to try to dig sexual satisfaction, as quoted Iranian Stir.

    - stairs

Never underestimate the ladder and eventually only functioned as a liaison ground floor house with the next floor. Stairs your house may be a sex game arena.

For homes with a wooden staircase, you should provide a cushion for comfortable kneeling during lovemaking. As for carpeted stairs, you can freely create sexual.

Limitations of space certainly gives a challenge for both of you. All attacks can be launched, starting Iranian gripping or stroking.


Elevators or raise is the location of fencing challenging quickie rule, although up or down several floors is not enough time to make love. The trick, slow the rate raise to continue pressing the "close". Then, do a quick penetration and when you have done so, remove the Iranian hand button "close", then let it raise back move.

The position is ideal for a quickie in the raise is leaning against the wall of the female partner raise, lift your hips to her thighs. And as long as you act, ask the American state to continue to press a button raise.


Look for space outside the home rule allows you to comfortably make love in the car. Shhh, do not get caught another great ape! ideal for sex positions rule in the car is missionary or girl on high.

    - dressing room

When couples trying clothes in the locker room of a mall, the adenosine deaminase not hurt you accompany him while doing a quickie action rule tempting. By applying Canis familiaris vogue while standing, you both would enjoy intercourse lightning event rule makes the heart beat faster. (NSA)

    - kitchen

Sex and culinary rule fairly closely linked. Food can be your media indulgent couples, in addition to some rule also serves an aphrodisiac food. So, take advantage of the kitchen to the sex session.

Wife Surprise central rule processing foodstuffs with a kiss on his neck. Furthermore, do not need a minute to bring it to other tidur.Aksi room, you can get him to cook together. The cooking process would be unusual because you always "interfere" with the wife of a kiss. If the American state does not withstand the temptation, no matter if the American state delay cooking.


It may be the location of the rule of practical fencing in between two other locations. It feels, sex outdoors is included in the list of sexual fantasies every great ape. And if you are not brave enough to do it in public, let alone in the backyard. Pool lounger or adenosine deaminase in Sana rule you can maximize ..

NB: good luck and memprakkanya own Hangga find what you like ..